DX LISTENING DIGEST 6-044, March 13, 2006 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, http://www.worldofradio.com Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. Materials taken from Arctic or originating from Olle Alm and not having a commercial copyright are exempt from all restrictions of noncommercial, noncopyrighted reusage except for full credits For restrixions and searchable 2006 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid.html NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn NEXT SW AIRING OF WORLD OF RADIO 1307: Wed 1030 WWCR 9985 Full schedule, including AM, FM, satellite and internet, with hotlinks to station sites and audio: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html For latest updates see our Anomaly Alert page: http://www.worldofradio.com/anomaly.html WRN ON DEMAND: http://new.wrn.org/listeners/stations/station.php?StationID=24 OUR ONDEMAND AUDIO [also CONTINENT OF MEDIA, MUNDO RADIAL] http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html or http://wor.worldofradio.org WORLD OF RADIO PODCASTS: www.obriensweb.com/wor.xml DX PROGRAM ARCHIVE After almost a month`s inactivity, it`s back March 12 under new unidentified management, Alex Draper having handed it over: http://www.piratedxer.com/dxprograms.htm Now there are a few recent programs, including WOR 1307 from March 8 (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ALBANIA. 6115.0, Radio Tirana, 0250-0356, Feb 26, English, Female with news items in English. Nice. ID at 0249 as R. Tirana. Audio very nice. Female with heavy accent but very nice to listen to. Talks about the area, places to visit. 0251 sports program. Nice interludes of local music in background between items. Signal level at 20/s9 with slight fades to 10/s9. 0255, female, says Good Bye from R. Tirana, bird in back ground (R. Montgomery, PA, March 12, HCDX via DXLD) ** ALBANIA. TWR via Shijak in A06: The schedule we already saw must include wooden registrations, or to put it politely, alternative frequencies. Armenian 1533-1603 on three frequencies, Czech/Romanian 1600-1630, Persian 1610-1740 on two frequencies? Impossible, there are only two shortwave transmitters at Shijak if I recall correctly, not three or even four. And I don't think that these new rigs are 2 x 50 kW twins which could be torn apart (as Radio Tirana did with their old equipment in the days of 23 language services). (Kai Ludwig, Germany, March 13, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Kai, you ref. to a pre-conference - oudated - table of TWR Vienna office, of Feb 16th. HFCC Shijak table shows no TWR CZE-Slovak in latest schedule. 6235 0515 0530 28 SHI 100 350 0 141 POL ALB TWR 6235 0530 0545 28,29 SHI 100 350 0 141 23456 SLO ALB TWR 7355 1445 1530 28 SHI 100 350 0 141 POL ALB TWR 7375 1533 1603 29S,39N SHI 100 100 0 216 23456 ARM ALB TWR 7380 0515 0530 28 SHI 100 350 0 141 POL ALB TWR 9945 1533 1603 29S,39N SHI 100 90 10 216 23456 ARM ALB TWR 9960 1610 1740 30S,40 SHI 100 90 10 216 PES ALB TWR 11615 1342 1457 28-30 SHI 100 33 0 146 RUS/BEL ALB TWR 11865 0645 0820 27 SHI 100 310 0 146 ENG ALB TWR 12075 1610 1740 30S,40 SHI 100 90 10 216 PES ALB TWR Now - probably - in A-06 via Armavir and St. P. Russia 6245 1445-1630 28 ARM 100 284 0 158 1234567 260306 291006 RUS TWR GFC 7290 1600-1630 28 S.P 200 222 0 145 1234567 260306 291006 RUS TWR GFC Was via Armavir in A-05: TRANS WORLD RADIO - ARMAVIR, RUSSIA TIME/UTC | DAYS | LANG | MB | FREQ | PWR | AZI |ZONES| ======== |======= |======= |=== |===== | === | === |====| 1445-1500 | 7 | Polish | 31 | 9735 | 100 | 263 | 28 | 1500-1530 | 1234567 | Polish | 31 | 9735 | 100 | 263 | 28 | 1530-1600 | 1234567 | Hungarian | 31 | 9735 | 100 | 263 | 28 | 1600-1615 | 12 45 | Czech | 41 | 7290 | 100 | 263 | 28 | 1600-1615 | 12 45 | Czech | 31 | 9735 | 100 | 263 | 28 | 1600-1630 | 6 | Rumanian | 41 | 7290 | 100 | 263 | 28 | 1600-1630 | 6 | Rumanian | 31 | 9735 | 100 | 263 | 28 | Day 1 = Mon .. 7 = Sun 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ANDAMAN & NICOBAR IS. Well above average reception for Asia this morning! 4760, AIR Port Blair, Mar 12, 1417-1444, pop Indian songs, 1428 AIR ID, poor-fair. Best level heard in quite a while. Not // 4775 (fair) nor 4970 (fair-good). Re-checked at 1509 and still decent signal (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, RX340, with T2FD antenna, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also MALAYSIA ** ANTARCTICA. Re 6-043: I don't know. Several years ago their website photos showed scientists at work. I always thought that maybe it was a scientific station, and the guys ran the radio station as a hobby to keep their minds off the ice and snow! I really don't know much about them, but they've been around a long time (Dick W., ABDX via DXLD) ** ARGENTINA. 15345, Radio Nacional, RAE, 2045-2100, 11-03, programa de tangos "Orquesta Piazzola". "Orgullo Criollo". Identificación: "Ustedes están sintonizando Radio Nacional a través de RAE que transmite en las frecuencias de 15345 y 6060 kHz. A las 2100 programa "Nuestra gente". 45444 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, Grundig Satetellit 500 y Sony ICF SW 7600 G, Antena de cable 10 metros, orientada WSW, Escucha relizadas en Friol, 27 Km. W. de Lugo, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ARMENIA. Trans World Radio, Gavar 1377 kHz. Full data TWR QSL card for CD report & IRC, v/s Beth Chick, PO Box 141, A-1235 Vienna, Austria. Transmitter location listed as `Central Asia` and Beth also sent a note saying that it`s TWR policy to list this site as only Central Asia – very happy with this one as it’s a new MW country for me (Craig Edwards, NT, March 13, dxing.info via DXLD) Can`t trust those Christians to tell you the truth. Armenia is in EUROPE. Or if you find that debatable, it could only be in the very western fringe of Asia, thousands of km from Central Asia (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) A detailed discussion of the issue: Because of Kazakhstan's Central Asian culture and political orientation, it is very rarely regarded as a European country, despite its sizeable territory in Europe (larger than the whole of Portugal or Greece). Three nations of the South Caucasus, however – Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia – have a stronger sociopolitical claim to be European. Of these three, only Georgia and Azerbaijan are sometimes regarded as having small portions of territory in Europe, but Armenia may be regarded as European for cultural and historical reasons. . . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transcontinental_nation#Europe_and_Asia (via gh, DXLD) ** ASIA [non]. A-06 schedule of Radio Free Asia, effective March 26th: BURMESE 0030-0130 11540 13820 13865 17835 1230-1330 9315 9455 11540 13675 CANTONESE 1400-1500 9780 11715 11850 2200-2300 9355 9955 11785 13865 KHMER 1230-1330 5890 13645 15525 2230-2330 9490 9930 13740 KOREAN 1500-1700 7210 9385 13625 2100-2300 7460 9385 9770 12075 LAOTIAN 0000-0100 12015 15545 1100-1200 9355 9545 15560 MANDARIN 0300-0600 11705 13670 13760 15130 15685 17525 17615 17880 21690 0600-0700 11705 13670 13760 15165 15685 17525 17615 17880 1500-1600 7540 9455 9905 11765 12025 13675 13725 15495 1600-1700 7540 9455 9905 11795 12025 13675 13715 15530 1700-1800 7280 7540 9355 9455 9530 9540 9905 11795 13625 13715 1800-1900 7280 7355 7540 9355 9455 9540 9865 11700 13625 15510 1900-2000 1098 7260 7355 7540 9355 9455 9760 9865 9905 11700 11785 13625 15510 2000-2100 1098 7260 7355 7540 9355 9455 9850 9905 11700 11740 11785 13625 2100-2200 1098 7105 7355 7540 9850 9910 11740 11935 13625 2300-2400 7540 9910 11760 13670 13775 15430 15585 TIBETAN 0100-0300 9365 11695 11975 15225 15695 17730 0600-0700 17510 17720 17780 21500 21690 1100-1200 7470 13625 13830 15510 17855 1200-1400 7470 11590 13625 13830 15510 17855 1500-1600 7470 11550 11705 11795 13825 2300-2400 7470 7500 9395 9805 9875 UIGHUR 0100-0200 9350 11520 11895 11945 17640 17695 1600-1700 7465 9350 9370 9555 11750 11780 VIETNAMESE 1400-1500 5855 9455 9715 11535 11605 11680 13680 13775 2330-0030 9975 11580 11605 11670 12110 13740 15535 15560 (various frequency sources, wwdxc BC-DX Mar 8 via DXLD) Unfortunately, no sites in this version. Note the MW frequency 1098 for Mandarin which was already in the recent updated B-05 RFA schedule! Where could that be from? Almaty, Vladivostok and Taiwan all have transmitters on 1098, per WRTH 2006. And 1098 was already listed there for RFA at 19-22. I suppose the 300 kW on Taiwan is most likely (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AUSTRALIA [non]. Voice International (Asia) Heard this past week what appears to be a new frequency of 13830 in Hindi from around 1500 UT tune in to 1700. Today, Sunday March 12, a very strong and clear signal with lots of very pleasant local (India) music. Mentioned Voice, India, Pakistan and amen a few times but much of the broadcast didn't sound very religious. It was very enjoyable listening, music wise. It was parallel to the listed 9855 which was very weak here and which faded in and out. My schedule shows only one frequency for each time slot/language. Unusual for there to be two (Bernie O'Shea, Ottawa, Ontario, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AUSTRALIA. AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CHIEF SAYS DIGITAL RADIO IS DEAD Mark Carnegie, Director of Australia's Macquarie Radio Network, says that years of delays have "killed" the future of digital radio. According to Carnegie's assessment, it is being overtaken by broadband services, third-generation mobiles and digital devices such as iPods. His comments have caused surprise amongst others in the industry. Read more in The Australian http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,18452494%255E7582,00.html # posted by Andy @ 15:01 March 13 (Media Network blog via DXLD) ** BOLIVIA. Dear friends: A couple of hours ago returned from a DX Camp in Chascomús with my friends Arnaldo Slaen, Enrique Wembagher, Marcelo Cornachioni and Hector Goyena and listened to a new Bolivian station on SW: 5680.7, Radio San Rafael, San Rafael, Cochabamba, 2218- 2230, Mar 11, Spanish/Aymara, Sports Comments and Folk Festival, IDs "Radio San Rafael" "en sintonía... San Rafael", 34333 (Nicolás Eramo, Argentina, March 12, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Es la primera vez que tenemos noticias de esta estación (que opera en la onda media), transmitiendo en la onda corta. Sin dudas, es una noticia muy importante e interesante. Tal vez nos pueda ayudar el conocido colega Rogildo Fontanelle Aragão, quien vive en Quillacollo, depto de Cochabamba, a dilucidar si se trata de una nueva emisora de onda corta; si se trató de una transmisión de enlace, etc, etc. 73 (Arnaldo Slaen, Galvan 2735, 1.431 BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA, condig list via DXLD) [Luego:] Más datos de la emisora captada en la onda corta: CP68 Radio San Rafael transmite en 1310 AM (10,000 watts) y 92.1 FM (1,000 watts). Pertenece a la Arquidiócesis de Cochabamba, con QTH en Calle Calama #-0315, Cochabamba, Casilla 546, Cochambamba. Tel.: (591 42) 56 563, fax 50 522. Transmite en Quechua y Aymara. Horario: 0500-2200 horas de Bolivia. 73 (Arnaldo Slaen, ibid.) [Luego2:] Y una más sobre la nueva onda corta de Bolivia reportada por los participantes del DX Camp Chascomus. Resulta que escuchamos un festival folklórico y, buscando hace un rato en Internet, encuentro esta noticia más que reveladora, que publica el diario boliviano "Los Tiempos": Empieza la fiesta de las coplas Con la participación de varias provincias del departamento, se desarrollará el XXXVIII Festival de Taquipayanakus, desde el mediodía de hoy en el coliseo José Casto Méndez (Coronilla), organizado por Radio San Rafael. Entre los inscritos están representantes de Arque, Punata, Independencia, entre otros, que protagonizarán la fiesta del contrapunto del carnaval que, para evitar que la lluvia arruine la fiesta, los organizadores decidieron trasladar la sede al coliseo de la Coronilla. "Como en otras versiones, la fiesta se extenderá hasta pasadas las 19:00, de acuerdo al número de participantes porque hay algunos que se trasladan desde sus comunidades directo al lugar del evento y recién se inscriben. . . (via Slaen, ibid.) ** CANADA. Surveillance of those who dare to communicate: see IRAN ** CANADA [and non]. Janice and Steve of the International Radio Report present a radio travelogue today, March 12, 2006. They tell listeners about what they heard during their recent U.S. trip. - Erie, Pa. - South Florida and Key West - SWL Fest in Kulpsville, Pa. - Car- and plane-bound radio listening for points in between There are also highlights from events and talks at the SWL Fest. The CKUT website has audio archives of the International Radio Report: http://secure.ckut.ca/cgi-bin/ckut-grid.pl?action=showaudio&show=sunday,10:30 (Ricky Leong, Calgary, Swprograms mailing list via DXLD) ** CHILE. CVC, 17680, checked again this Sunday at the close of the 1300 hour on 17680: at 1358, the program was identified as ``El Mundo del Arte`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA [and non]. CUBA SAYS U.S. SPREADING TECHNOLOGY SUBVERSION, ANTI-CASTRO PROPAGANDA --- by Jim Burns Posted Mar 13, 2006 Human Events The official Cuban Communist Party newspaper Granma, a voice of the Castro government, accused the United States Wednesday of supporting and spreading what it called "anti-Cuban propaganda" by allowing "illegal entry of satellite receivers and magnetic cards into Cuba." Granma, in an editorial cited the case of Carlos Valdés González, an American resident who was arrested at Havana Jose Martí International Airport on June 24, carrying 28 satellite receivers, magnetic cards, connection wires and remote control equipment and batteries. The paper said Valdés González "has been charged with smuggling and bribery. He has paid over 120 visits to Cuba from Grand Cayman, Mexico, Jamaica, Bahamas and the US." The paper citied a report by the "Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba, which seeks to destroy the Cuban Revolution, suggests distributing computers, short wave equipment, satellite disks, faxes and photocopiers, among others. It provides pictures to nongovernmental bodies supporting Cuban counterrevolutionary gangs to increase the influx of information about so-called 'transitions' including TV and Radio Marti transmissions," the newspaper said. . . . http://www.humaneventsonline.com/article.php?id=13135 (via Zacharias Liangas, DXLD) ``Short wave equipment`` is considered subversive??? How can that be, from a country carrying out an extensive SW service? In Spanish, RHC often acknowledges that they have listeners within Cuba! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR [and non]. See IRAN [non] ** FRANCE. [Libya [non] etc.] A-06 schedule of, and foreign relay of various broadcasters: [N = numérique = DRM] 3965 0400-0500 37,38W,46N ISS 500 180 030906 291006 Fren F TDF 3965 0400-0500 37,38W,46N ISS 500 180 260306 070506 Fren F TDF 3965 0500-1800 27 ISS 1 0 070506 291006 N Fren F TDF 3965 1900-2100 27 ISS 1 0 N Fren F TDF 3965 2100-2200 18S,28,29 ISS 250 60 030906 291006 Poli F TDF 3965 2100-2200 18S,28,29 ISS 250 60 260306 070506 Poli F TDF 3965 2300-0400 27 ISS 1 0 N Fren F TDF 5915 2100-2200 18S,28,29 ISS 250 60 Poli F TDF 5920 2000-2100 28S,29S ISS 250 85 260306 070506 Roma F TDF 5920 2000-2100 28S,29S ISS 250 85 030906 291006 Roma F TDF 5925 0300-0400 48S,52,53,5MEY 250 19 Fren AFS TDF 5925 0400-0500 37,38W,46N ISS 500 180 070506 030906 Fren F TDF 5925 0500-0600 37,38W,46N ISS 500 180 Arab F TDF 5945 0300-0330 18S,28N,29NISS 500 55 Russ F TDF 5995 1700-1800 40W TAC 100 255 F MER 6010 1700-1800 40W DHA 250 0 F MER 6020 1600-1630 40E DB 200 180 F MER 6030 1600-1630 40W DHA 250 45 F MER 6045 0300-0330 28,29 ISS 500 70 Russ F TDF 6045 0430-0500 18S,28N,29NISS 250 55 Fr/Po F TDF 6045 0500-0530 28S,29S ISS 250 98 030906 291006 Serb F TDF 6045 0500-0530 28S,29S ISS 250 98 260306 070506 Serb F TDF 6120 1400-1500 44S,49,50,5YAM 300 235 Viet J TDF 6175 1100-1200 27 ISS 500 270 Fren F TDF 6175 1900-2000 28S,29S ISS 250 98 030906 291006 Serb F TDF 6175 1900-2000 28S,29S ISS 250 98 260306 070506 Serb F TDF 6175 2000-2200 37,38W ISS 500 180 Fren F TDF 6175 2030-2200 38,47,48W,5MEY 250 355 070506 030906 Fren AFS TDF 7135 0300-0500 37E,38W,46EISS 500 155 Fren F TDF 7135 0500-0600 37,46 ISS 500 185 030906 291006 Fren F TDF 7135 0600-0700 37W,46W ISS 500 204 030906 291006 Fren F TDF 7135 1800-1900 18S,28,29 ISS 500 55 030906 291006 Russ F TDF 7135 1900-2000 28S ISS 250 98 Serb F TDF 7135 2000-2100 28S,29S ISS 250 85 Roma F TDF 7135 2100-2200 18S,28,29 ISS 250 60 070506 030906 Poli F TDF 7150 0400-0500 52S,57N ASC 250 114 F MER 7160 1900-2030 38,47,48W,5MEY 250 355 Fren AFS TDF 7160 2030-2200 38,47,48W,5MEY 250 355 260306 070506 Fren AFS TDF 7160 2030-2200 38,47,48W,5MEY 250 355 030906 291006 Fren AFS TDF 7170 1600-1700 52,53,57N MEY 100 5 Engl AFS TDF 7175 1030-1200 33S,43E,44 YAM 300 290 030906 291006 Fren J TDF 7175 1200-1300 33S,43E,44 YAM 300 290 030906 291006 Mand J TDF 7220 1400-1500 41 TCH 500 230 RUS GFC 7280 0300-0330 28,29S ISS 500 80 Russ F TDF 7280 0500-0600 37,38,46,47ISS 500 185 Fren F TDF 7315 0500-0530 28S,29S,39NISS 250 98 Serb F TDF 7315 0600-0630 28,29 ISS 250 95 Alba F TDF 7315 2000-2200 37W,46W ISS 500 200 Fren F TDF 7315 2000-2200 37E,38 ISS 500 155 Fren F TDF 9485 2100-2200 37,46 ISS 500 185 Fren F TDF 9570 0600-0700 46 ASC 250 27 F MER 9655 0930-1030 33S,43E,44 YAM 300 290 030906 291006 Mand J TDF 9770 1400-1430 28W Fri oRMP 40 95 260306 291006 N F MER 9790 0300-0500 37E,38W,47,ISS 500 155 Fren F TDF 9790 0500-0600 37,46 ISS 500 185 Fren F TDF 9790 0600-0700 37E,38W,47NISS 500 155 030906 291006 Fren F TDF 9790 0600-0700 37,38W,46N ISS 500 180 260306 030906 Fren F TDF 9790 0600-0700 37W,46W ISS 500 204 Fren F TDF 9790 1600-1800 37,38W,46N ISS 500 180 Arab F TDF 9790 1800-1900 37E,38W,47NISS 500 155 Fren F TDF 9790 1800-2200 37W,46W ISS 500 204 Fren F TDF 9790 1900-2000 37E,38W,47NISS 500 155 030906 291006 Fren F TDF 9790 2000-2200 37E,38W,47,ISS 500 155 Fren F TDF 9800 0100-0130 7S,8S,10,11GUF 500 295 Span F TDF 9800 0130-0200 7S,8S,10,11GUF 500 295 Fren F TDF 9805 0400-0430 38E,47E,48,ISS 500 135 Engl F TDF 9805 0500-0530 28S,29S ISS 250 98 070506 030906 Serb F TDF 9805 0600-0630 28S,29S ISS 250 98 Alba F TDF 9805 1200-1300 33S,43E,44 YAM 300 290 260306 030906 Mand J TDF 9805 1400-1500 28S,29S ISS 250 98 Serb F TDF 9805 1500-1600 28S,29S ISS 250 85 Roma F TDF 9805 1600-1700 18S,28,29 ISS 250 60 Poli F TDF 9805 1800-1900 18S,28,29 ISS 500 55 Russ F TDF 9805 1800-1900 29S,30W,39NISS 500 80 030906 291006 Russ F TDF 9805 1900-2000 28S,29S ISS 250 98 070506 030906 Serb F TDF 9805 2000-2100 28S,29S ISS 250 85 070506 030906 Roma F TDF 9830 1030-1200 44S,49,50,5YAM 300 235 030906 291006 Fren J TDF 9830 1030-1200 33S,43E,44 YAM 300 290 260306 030906 Fren J TDF 11615 1600-1700 37E,38W,47NISS 500 145 Engl F TDF 11670 1400-1500 28S,29S ISS 250 98 Serb F TDF 11670 1500-1600 28S,29S ISS 250 85 Roma F TDF 11670 1800-1900 29S,30W,39NISS 500 80 Russ F TDF 11700 0400-0500 38E,47E,48,ISS 500 135 Engl F TDF 11700 0500-0600 37E,38W,47,ISS 500 155 Fren F TDF 11700 0600-0700 37E,38W,47NISS 500 155 260306 030906 Fren F TDF 11700 0600-0700 37,46 ISS 500 190 Fren F TDF 11700 0700-0800 37E,38W,47NISS 250 155 Fren F TDF 11700 0700-0800 37W,46W ISS 500 200 Fren F TDF 11705 1800-2200 37E,38W,47,ISS 500 162 Fren F TDF 11815 2000-2100 47S,52,57 ISS 500 160 Port F TDF 11845 0800-1600 37,38W ISS 500 180 Fren F TDF 11890 0930-1030 33S,43E,44 YAM 300 290 260306 030906 Mand J TDF 11890 1030-1200 44S,49,50,5YAM 300 235 260306 030906 Fren J TDF 11995 0500-0530 38E,47E,48,ISS 500 135 030906 291006 Engl F TDF 11995 1700-2000 37W,46W ISS 500 204 Fren F TDF 11995 2000-2100 37,46 ISS 500 185 Fren F TDF 12005 2200-2300 43,44 VLD 500 230 RUS GFC 12015 1700-1800 37W,46W ISS 500 215 Port F TDF 12025 0930-1030 43,44 IRK 500 150 RUS GFC 12025 1100-1200 43,49 IRK 500 180 RUS GFC 12045 2200-2300 43,44 VLD 250 230 RUS GFC 12075 1200-1300 43,44 NVS 500 125 RUS GFC 13605 1300-1330 18S,28,29 ISS 250 55 070506 030906 Russ F TDF 13640 1100-1200 7,8,10E,11WGUF 500 320 Fren F TDF 13675 0600-0700 37,46 ISS 500 185 Fren F TDF 13675 0800-2000 37W,46W ISS 500 204 Fren F TDF 13680 0500-0600 38E,47E,48,ISS 500 135 En/Fr F TDF 13695 0600-0700 37,46 ISS 500 185 Fren F TDF 13695 0600-0700 37E,38W,47,ISS 500 155 Fren F TDF 13695 0700-0800 37,46 ISS 500 195 Fren F TDF 13695 1700-2100 37,46 ISS 500 190 Fren F TDF 15155 1300-1330 28,29,30S ISS 250 80 Russ F TDF 15160 0500-0600 38E,47E,48,ISS 500 135 En/Fr F TDF 15160 0600-0630 38E,47E,48,ISS 500 135 Engl F TDF 15160 1200-1400 46SE,47SW,5MEY 250 328 Fren AFS TDF 15160 1600-1700 37S,46,47W,MEY 250 328 Engl AFS TDF 15170 0700-0800 46SE,47SW,5MEY 250 328 Fren AFS TDF 15195 1300-1330 18S,28,29 ISS 250 55 Russ F TDF 15210 0400-0600 47E,48W,52NDHA 250 255 F MER 15300 0500-2000 37E,38W,47,ISS 500 155 Fren F TDF 15300 0700-2000 37,46 ISS 500 190 Fren F TDF 15315 0700-1700 37,46 ISS 500 185 Fren F TDF 15365 1130-1200 7S,8S,10E,1ISS 500 270 Fren F TDF 15445 2300-0030 44S,49,50,5YAM 300 235 Fren J TDF 15515 1100-1200 7,8,10E,11WGUF 500 320 Fren F TDF 15515 1200-1230 7S,8S,10,11GUF 250 295 Span F TDF 15515 1230-1300 7S,8S,10,11GUF 250 295 Fren F TDF 15515 1300-1400 7S,8S,10,11GUF 250 300 Fren F TDF 15515 1600-1630 7S,8S,10,11GUF 500 300 Span F TDF 15530 1700-1800 37W,46W ISS 500 215 Port F TDF 15595 2300-2400 44,49 VLD 250 228 RUS GFC 15605 1500-1600 37,46 ISS 500 185 Fren F TDF 15605 1600-1800 28S,38E,39,ISS 500 110 Engl F TDF 15605 1800-1900 37,46 ISS 500 185 Fren F TDF 15605 1900-2000 37,46 ISS 500 185 260306 030906 Fren F TDF 15700 1400-1500 28S,29S,39,ISS 500 100 070506 030906 Engl F TDF 17525 1200-1300 38E,47E,48,ISS 500 145 070506 070906 En/Fr F TDF 17570 1100-1200 4,7-9,10E,1ISS 500 295 Fren F TDF 17605 1400-1500 38E,47E,48,ISS 500 135 070506 030906 Engl F TDF 17605 1600-1730 38E,47E,48,ISS 500 135 Engl F TDF 17620 0700-1800 37,46 ISS 500 185 Fren F TDF 17630 1800-1830 7S,8S,10,11GUF 250 295 Span F TDF 17630 2100-2130 7S,8S,10,11GUF 250 295 Span F TDF 17770 0600-0700 47,52N KIG 250 280 F MER 17800 0600-0800 38E,47E,48,ISS 500 135 En/Fr F TDF 17800 1130-1200 7S,8S,10E,1ISS 500 270 Fren F TDF 17800 1200-1300 38E,47E,48,ISS 500 145 070506 070906 En/Fr F TDF 17805 1300-1330 28E,29,30 ISS 250 65 030906 291006 Russ F TDF 17805 1300-1330 28E,29,30 ISS 250 65 260306 070506 Russ F TDF 17815 1100-1200 52,53 MEY 250 355 Fren AFS TDF 17815 1200-1230 46 ASC 250 27 F MER 17815 1230-1300 46,47S,52N MEY 250 328 Fren AFS TDF 17850 0600-1800 37E,38W,47,ISS 500 155 Fren F TDF 21580 0900-1600 47,48,52,53ISS 500 155 Fren F TDF 21620 0700-0800 38E,47E,48,ISS 500 135 030906 291006 En/Fr F TDF 21620 1200-1300 38E,47E,48,ISS 500 130 260306 070506 En/Fr F TDF 21620 1200-1300 38E,47E,48,ISS 500 130 030906 291006 En/Fr F TDF 21620 1400-1500 38E,47E,48,ISS 500 135 260306 070506 En/Fr F TDF 21620 1400-1500 38E,47E,48,ISS 500 135 030906 291006 En/Fr F TDF 21685 1200-1500 37,46 ISS 500 185 Fren F TDF LJB 11615 1900-2000 37E,38W,47,ISS 500 153 Var F TDF 15205 1800-2000 37E,38W,47,ISS 500 153 Var F TDF 15660 1600-1900 37,46 ISS 500 185 Var F TDF Various, DRM, ALG, LBY 6175 0300-1100 27 ISS 30 0 N Var F NEW 6175 1200-1700 27 ISS 30 0 N Var F NEW 6175 2200-0100 27 ISS 30 0 N Var F NEW 7135 0700-1600 18S,28N,29NISS 35 60 N Var F NEW 7310 0700-1600 18S,28N,29NISS 35 60 N Var F NEW 7330 2000-2100 37E,38W,46EISS 500 162 030906 291006 Var F NEW 7330 2100-2200 37,46 ISS 500 194 030906 291006 Var F NEW 9685 1900-2000 37E,38W,46EISS 500 162 030906 291006 Var F NEW 9685 2000-2100 37E,38W,46EISS 500 162 260306 030906 Var F NEW 9745 2000-2100 37,46 ISS 500 194 Var F NEW 9745 2100-2200 37,46 ISS 500 194 260306 030906 Var F NEW 11725 0600-0700 37E,38W,46EISS 500 162 Var F NEW 11830 0700-0800 37,46 ISS 500 194 Var F NEW 11830 1800-2000 37,46 ISS 500 194 030906 291006 Var F NEW 11830 1900-2000 37E,38W,46EISS 500 162 260306 030906 Var F NEW 11860 1800-1900 37E,38W,46EISS 500 162 030906 291006 Var F NEW 13620 0700-0800 37,46 ISS 500 194 260306 030906 Var F NEW 13620 0800-0900 37,46 ISS 500 194 Var F NEW 13675 0700-0800 37E,38W,46EISS 500 162 Var F NEW 13775 1800-1900 37E,38W,46EISS 500 162 260306 030906 Var F NEW 13800 1800-2000 37,46 ISS 500 194 260306 030906 Var F NEW 15255 1200-1400 37,46 ISS 500 194 Var F NEW 15465 1200-1400 37E,38W,46EISS 500 162 Var F NEW 15790 0600-1700 37E,38 ISS 30 145 N Var F NEW 17875 1200-2300 13,15 GUF 30 165 N Var F NEW 21645 1200-2300 7S,8S,10,11GUF 30 295 N Var F NEW (TFT / RFI, wwdxc BC-DX Mar 3 via BCDX March 10 via DXLD) ** GAMBIA [non]. Glenn: Just found out -- Voices of the Diaspora will not continue as of beginning of A06. They may return in August or September (Jeff White, RMI, March 12, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Per http://www.wrmi.net/program.php?id=35 Had been coordinated for A06 same as B05: 2000-2030 UTC Saturday on 9405 kHz to West Africa (via Julich, Germany relay; English and West African dialects) (via John Norfolk, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GREECE [non]. VOG, 9775 via Delano, Sunday March 12 during most of the 0600 hour was playing some wonderful music, i.e. Greek Orthodox Sunday morning service. Excellent here, on the Pacific service. BTW, the messages published recently about the lack of Pacific antennas at Delano were certainly superseded (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GREECE [and non]. Hi Glenn: See attached file for new VOG A06 Schedule. Notice new frequency of 12120/292 at 0500-1000 to Africa. Kavala is using 7430/172 degrees headed toward Central Africa for foreign-language transmissions at 1400-2000. I think that they will still be doing the 1500-1600 on Saturday and Sunday from Delano on 9775 and take 2 hours on weekdays from 15190 at 0600-0700. Regards, (John Babbis, MD, March 12, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Viz.: VOICE OF GREECE (ERA-5) A-06 Short-wave Schedule (Effective from March 26 to October 28, 2006) UTC Avlis 1 Avlis 2 Avlis 3 VOA 1 VOA 2 0000-0100 5865/292º 7475/285º 9420/323º SILENT 15650/095º 0100-0200 5865/292º 7475/285º 9420/323º SILENT 15650/095º 0200-0300 5865/292º 7475/285º 9420/323º 17520/095º 15650/095º 0300-0400 5865/292º 7475/285º 9420/323º 17520/095º 15650/095º 0400-0500 5865/292º 7475/285º 9420/323º 17520/095º 15650/095º 0500-0600 12120/292º 7475/285º 9420/323º 17520/095º 15650/095º 0600-0700 12120/292º 15630/285º 9420/323º 17520/095º 21530/095º 0700-0800 12120/292º 15630/285º 9420/323º 11645/355º 21530/095º 0800-0900 12120/292º 15630/285º 9420/323º 11645/355º 21530/095º 0900-1000 12120/292º 15630/285º 9420/323º SILENT SILENT 1000-1100 SILENT SILENT SILENT SILENT SILENT 1100-1200 #9935/285º 15630/285º SILENT 12105/355º 15650/095º 1200-1300 #9935/285º 15630/285º 9420/323º 12105/355º 15650/095º 1300-1400 #9935/285º 15630/285º 9420/323º 12105/355º 15650/095º 1400-1500 #9935/285º 15630/285º 9420/323º 12105/355º 7430/172º 1500-1600 #9935/285º 15630/285º 9420/323º 12105/355º 7430/172º 1600-1700 #9935/285º 15630/285º 9420/323º 12105/355º 7430/172º 1700-1800 #7450/323º 15630/285º 9420/323º 12105/355º 7430/172º 1800-1900 #7450/323º 15630/285º 9420/323º 9375/355º 7430/172º 1900-2000 #7450/323º 7475/285º 9420/323º 9375/355º 7430/172º 2000-2100 #7450/323º 7475/285º 9420/323º 9375/355º 15650/095º 2100-2200 #7450/323º 7475/285º 9420/323º 9375/105º 15650/095º 2200-2300 #7450/323º 7475/285º 9420/323º 9375/105º 15650/095º 2300-2400 5865/292º 7475/285º 9420/323º 9375/240º 15650/095º #ERT-3 (Thessaloniki) VOICE OF GREECE (Non) UTC Delano 0000-0600 SILENT 0600-0700 15190/296º 0700-0800 15190/296º 0800-1200 SILENT 1200-1300 9775/075º 1300-1400 9775/075º 1400-1500 9775/075º 1500-1600 SILENT 1600-1700 17705/075º 1700-1800 17705/075º 1800-1900 17705/075º 1900-2000 17705/075º Greenville 2000-2100 17705/075º 17565/164º 2100-2200 17705/075º 17565/164º 2200-2400 SILENT SILENT (John Babbis, Silver Spring, MD, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** HUNGARY. PREOCUPACIÓN EN RADIO TAIWÁN INTERNACIONAL POR LA AMENAZA DE CIERRE EN RADIO BUDAPEST El pasado domingo 5 de marzo por RTI Radio Taiwán Internacional, en el programa "Buzón Aéreo" conducido por Bonnie Cheng, fue emitido un espacio especial sobre la anunciada amenaza del cierre de Radio Budapest de Hungría. El comentario de apoyo contra esta amenaza se basó en el mensaje de Sergio Pérez --- uno de los integrantes de la Sección Española de Radio Budapest --- publicado el pasado 28 de febrero a través de varios medios. Bonnie Cheng dedicó 9 minutos en los que leyó el mensaje de Pérez, convocó a radioescuchas y diexistas a solidarizarse con la radio húngara y dio apreciaciones sobre la situación presupuestaria de RTI explicando el modo de financiamiento que mantiene la emisora taiwanesa, a modo de ejemplo y como testimonio. Refiriéndose a RTI Bonnie Cheng dijo: «Esta radio es un establecimiento semioficial pues recibimos una parte del apoyo financiero del Gobierno, es decir que cada año a través de la Cámara Legislativa se le da un monto para decidir si se sigue o no con las emisiones, tomamos una prueba en enero de cada año y entonces se decide que tipo de monto se le asigna pero la plata nunca va a alcanzar para la existencia pues tenemos muchos gastos de personal, los gastos eléctricos de las estaciones, etc. Por lo tanto RTI debe buscar sus apoyos financieros de otras partes, por ejemplo nosotros --- los locutores de la radio --- colaboramos con varias oficinas de gobierno dándole apoyo de voces, algunos en conciertos o en actividades importantes, otros salimos a trabajar si se necesitan algunos videos o publicidades, RTI es responsable también de estos trabajos que producen ciertas ganancias, es decir que parte de los fondos viene del Gobierno y la otra mitad lo tenemos que buscar por nuestra cuenta». Además de compartir con los locutores de Radio Budapest la realidad de RTI para prevenirles sobre el peligro de quedar sin presupuesto suficiente, Bonnie continuó el relato con otros ejemplos... ``Yo entiendo que Radio Corea (KBS World Radio) tiene un sistema muy completo en su financiamiento, habrá que aprender de una radio a otra compartiendo las experiencias...``. Comparando la amenaza de cierre que se plantea en Radio Budapest con otras emisoras, Bonnie fue muy clara, ``Por el momento yo creo que las radios de Asia, tanto de China, de Taiwán como de Corea, esto no va a pasar porque para nosotros el idioma español es muy importante y las relaciones comerciales y diplomáticas con los países de habla española es de suma importancia para los gobiernos``. Nota: Pueden escuchar "Buzón Aéreo" de RTI a través de audio por demanda entrando a http://spanish.rti.org.tw/ y optando por "Domingo". El archivo de audio MP3 disponible para quien lo solicite pesa 8.57 MB. Dirigirse a: (Rubén Guillermo Margenet, Casilla de Correo 950, S 2000 WAJ - Rosario, ARGENTINA, Tel.: +54 (0)341 4558952, margenet @ arnet.com.ar Cordiales saludos! DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. Radio World, the DX-programme from Chennai, broadcast via AIR in Bangalore was also heard on Sunday, March 12th, at 1130-1145 on 13710 kHz. Many DX-tips. Quite good reception, but lots of splash from stations around the frequency. 73 from (Björn Fransson, DX-ing on the island of Gotland, Sweden, HCDX via DXLD) In Tamil! Or was there enough English you could follow? (gh, DXLD) ** INDONESIA. Mar 12, 05: 15150 at 1725, Voice of Indonesia in Spanish (identified as La Voz de Indonesia). Male announcer, program mostly music with female voices and instruments. Moderate strength at the start then fading away until in the noise at about 1810 (in German). I wondered if this is via the long path? Since it was midday at my QTH, it would seem (to me) that 19 meters from the west would improve as the path became more daylight. I checked for other SE Asian signals and found only Radio Pilipinas from Tinang. 15190 was audible (along with //11890 and //11730). So maybe not a long path. Both Voice of Indonesia and Radio Pilipinas were beamed to the Middle East/Europe so either path to the USA would be off the side of the beam. Some enterprising DXer who knows more about computer programming and math than I do might create a program that would take into consideration the propagation conditions, the frequency, the power, the beam angle, the lat/lon of both ends and the daylight/darkness to calculate whether we're hearing a short path or a long path (Jerry Lenamon, Waco TX, Drake R8B, 72 foot long sloper, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hi Jerry. I heard this same transmission in Spanish from RRI, directed to Europe, basically Spain, this Sunday (my day-off) at 1700 while is 1100 local here in Costa Rica and no doubt is reaching us via the long path, unless some other seasoned DXers have another explanation; mine is based upon I'm not receiving any signals from the Pacific of Asia close to our noon. I have not tried Radio Pilipinas at this time so I'll have to give it a try. It's remarkable that this signal with 100 kW is arriving here, crossing three quarters of our globe, and I'm in a more southerly position than yours. Can someone have an opinion is this could be possibly coming across the North Pole? Regards (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hi Raul, I think the long path for us in North America is across the Indian Ocean, South Atlantic and South America. Our short path is across the North Pacific (Jerry Lenamon, TX, ibid.) The paths from Costa Rica don`t go as far N or S as from Austin: crosses southern Africa, Indian Ocean; northern part of the Hawaiian chain (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRAN [non]. Hello to All, I heard ODXA Perspectives on HCJB yesterday morning and the visit from the Men in Black. Was it CSIS or RCMP? I had no visit, but my mail from IRIB arrived at this address in a sealed plastic bag after being opened. I wonder if the biography of Ayatollah Khomeini caught anyone's attention at Logan Airpot. Some who know me have suggested I may be on The Big List in Washington! Who knows if that raises any red flags as I am job hunting after getting out of college (Dan Malloy, ODXA via DXLD) The Men in Black where the RCMP Security Section (pre-CSIS). Just in the Hollywood version, (well, similar in some ways) these fellas drove a black 1965 Ford 4- door sedan (I still remember that), nice Black suits, with Black ties, clean cut. Whea, just your typical RCMP types (Edward Kusalik, ibid.) My apologies for not posting a "head `s up" for this week's ODXA Perspectives. But, indeed we continue our conversation with Ed Kusalik about QSL-ing, and in particular interesting stores around the activity....including the visit from the "Men in Black"! I've pretty much given up on listing times, stations & frequencies for the feature (part of HCJB's DX Partyline), as they usual seem to be wrong, especially the schedules for WWCR & WRMI. Sad to say, the most reliable way to hear the show is audio on demand on HCJB's website: http://www.hcjb.org/mass_media/dx_partyline/dx_partyline.html You can now also subscribe to the podcast version of DXPL. Details on the above link. 73, (Greg Schatzmann, ibid.) ** IRELAND. Hi all, Sligo European Radio from the countryside of Ireland was heard, according to planned schedule, at 0800 on Sunday, March 12th. The frequency was 9330.9 kHz and the reception quality was very bad. After 10 minutes it was gone. They have already replied with a very beuatiful QSL card with a cow, filling all the space. Nice appearance indeed! (Björn Fransson, DX-ing on the island of Gotland, Sweden, HCDX via DXLD) ** ISRAEL. Re 6-043, unID: Sounds like audio feed problem. 12 March at 1930 on 7545 two programs; Reshet Bet and Kol Israel Arabic. 73, (Jari Savolainen, Finland, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** JAPAN. History of ``Hello From Tokyo``: Starting in 1959 NHK began broadcasting the program ‘Listeners Hour’, which gave various announcements about Radio Japan and answered listeners` questions. In 1970 ‘Thank You For The Mail’ began and it was 15 minutes. The show was changed to ‘Tokyo Dairy’ or ‘Tokyo Report’ and the length of the show was doubled to 30 minutes. In 1976 NHK’s mailbag show changed name to ‘With The Listeners’ followed by Mailbag in 1990. In 1994 name change to ‘Hello From Tokyo’ and the next change will be in April 2006 ‘World Interactive’ show. Best regards, (MD. AZIZUL ALAM AL-AMIN, E- 65, GOURHANGA, GHORAMARA, RAJSHAHI-6100, BANGLADESH, March 12, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** JAPAN [non]. JAPANESE CULT GURU JUDGED FIT FOR APPEAL Last Updated Sun, 19 Feb 2006 23:09:11 EST CBC News The former leader of a Japanese doomsday cult has been judged mentally fit to continue his appeal of a death sentence for masterminding a deadly nerve gas attack on Tokyo's subway, state television said on Monday. Shoko Asahara founded and led the Aum Shinrikyo cult. NHK television said the evaluation was made in a report from a court-appointed psychiatrist who examined Shoko Asahara, the founder of the Aum Shinrikyo cult. Asahara was sentenced to death by hanging in 2004 after being found guilty of being responsible for the sarin gas attack, which killed 12 people and made thousands of others sick in 1995. Asahara's lawyers had argued that the 50-year-old was mentally ill. They asked for the case to be suspended. NHK television said the psychiatrist's evaluation could open the door for Asahara's appeal to be heard by Tokyo High Court, which is expected to uphold the death sentence. On March 20, 1995, five cult members pierced bags of sarin – a nerve gas developed by the Nazis – on separate trains as they converged in central Tokyo's national government district. They killed 12 people and made thousands of others sick. The cult claimed it was a pre- emptive strike against police planning raids on the group. The judge in the original trial concluded that Asahara plotted to spread sarin gas across Tokyo in order to "destroy the capital and build his own kingdom." Asahara was convicted of killing 27 people in total, including former members of the cult and an anti-cult lawyer and his family. A number of other former cult members have received death sentences for participating in the attack on the subway system. (from http://www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/2006/02/19/japanese-cult-060219.html via ODXA Listening In) It doesn't seem that long ago that we were logging Aum Shinrikyo (Bernie Rataj, ibid.) I heard Radio Aum Shinrikyo a number of times via Russian transmitters. I wrote to them myself and received a 4-page outline of their beliefs; at least I suppose that’s what it was supposed to be. It seemed like a bunch of random concepts taken from other religions. They also claimed 10s of thousands of adherents worldwide. I often wondered since I bothered to write to them if they counted me in that number. There was an excellent 3 part series a few years back that looked at Aum, Koresh and Jim Jones --- the similarities were haunting (Fred Waterer, Programming Matters, ODXA LISTENING IN/March via DXLD) ** KOREA NORTH. Voice of Korea: Has anyone of you HCDX'ers living in the USA EVER received any verifications from this station. I have tried over the years (35+ of 'em) and have yet to >see a reply. Just curious (Bob Combs, New Mexico, March 11, HCDX via DXLD) Yes I have. But that was long time ago when I still lived in Finland. :P 73! (Risto Kotalampi, ibid.) Bob, Difficult to know if us or them. Are the reception reports being received? Or, is their mail/QSL not making it? Know someone in Canada or elsewhere? If so, try using their address. 73 (Kraig Krist, VA, ibid.) I believe some have succeeded by mailing reports from another country on a visit, via a friend, etc. (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Thank all of you that have replied to the original question. Looks like the summation is that: 1. [blank] 2. 20+ years ago they verified 3. If I am going to get a response I need to try to have my mail forwarded from an overseas address So, I guess I will try the second method and see what happens (it will probably get me on some sort of list however, but I suppose it wouldn't be the first time!). It would make an interesting experiment to have a bunch of people send reports from the US and nother bunch from the US use relay mail drops and see what the totals were. But that would be work! Ha! Thanks again. Would be nice to get a reply out of them before I die! (Bob Combs, New Mexico, ibid.) Bob: I received a QSL for a report sent on 11/9/2002 on 2/5/2003. It was a full data verification and I was rather pleased, considering the difficulty that others have had verifying this station. I did not include any return postage and there was nothing particularly special about the report. Perhaps they were motivated to respond to letters from Americans at that time. 73, (Dan Srebnick, ibid.) ** LATVIA. 9290, Radio Marabu, 1635-1700, 11-03, música pop en inglés, locutor, alemán, identificación: "Radio Marabú". 45444. 9290, Radio City, 0901-1000, 12-03, música pop en inglés, locutor, inglés, identificación: "Radio City, Sweden". "Radio City, the station of the car". 45444 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, Grundig Satetellit 500 y Sony ICF SW 7600 G, Antena de cable 10 metros, orientada WSW, Escucha relizadas en Friol, 27 Km. W. de Lugo, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LIBYA [non]. 7320.0, FRANCE, LJB Voice of Africa, 2220-2230, Mar 5, English, Male announcer with ID at 2223 in news broadcast. Listed as in Arabic but heard in English at this time. ID again at 2225. Language change to Arabic at 2225. Male announcer with talks in Arabic with music interludes at 2228. 11860.0, FRANCE, LJB Voice of Africa, 1741-1800, Mar 12, English, News items in English at tune in. ID in English at 1751. Mostly news of the Middle East and Iraq. 1754 language change to Arabic. Both programs by male announcer. S9 signal level with occasional fades. Must have been a special broadcast as available listings show it to be total Arabic (R. Montgomery, PA, March 12, HCDX via DXLD) ** LIBYA [non]. Sunday March 12 check at 1402 found music jammer on 17685, but this time some soft rock with lyrix in English. I suppose this is the same one usually dubbed ``African music``; still going at 1522; before 1400 on 17670 had a weak signal sounding like Vietnamese, which would be AWR Madagascar, rare here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MALAYSIA. 7270, Wai FM (RTM), Mar 12, quick check at 1414-1416 found good reception. Announcer making on-air phone calls, starts call by IDing Wai FM (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, RX340, with T2FD antenna, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 7295, Traxx FM (RTM), Mar 12, 1319-1406, in English; YL DJ with program of light pop and C&W songs, many Eddie Rabbit songs and info about his life given between songs, ToH 3 minutes of news, same YL DJ continues music program. Fair (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, RX340, with T2FD antenna, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. Which Mexican runs the NA at 0800 UT? Very strong almost overtaking KGO for a few minutes tonight. Thanks. 73, (Patrick Martin, OR, March 12, IRCA via DXLD) The only state on UT -8 (winter) is BCN, but no 810 station can I find there listed. New station? Mistake? NA normally runs at midnight. Perhaps alternatively a station further SE at sign-off (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Couldn't this be any of the Mexicans running La Hora Nacional? (Chuck Hutton, WA, IRCA via DXLD) Not Saturday night = UT Sunday (gh, DXLD) Chuck, Very unusual to hear an XE so strong tearing up KGO. It was off the Eastern Beverage. I was thinking Tampico with 50 KW. It was at 0800 UTC, Midnight PST, which threw me as most XEs run the NA at Midnight local time, yet there is nothing in the PST time zone in Mexico on 810. It was a real shock to hear an XE on 810 with KGO blasting away. But other stations have been showing up u/KGO like WGY over night. In the mornings, when KGO is fading down, lots of TPs & DUs logged on 810, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji (logged that under KGO at night), Japan, China, etc. But I never have heard an XE on 810. Not in recent years at least. 73, (Patrick Martin, OR, IRCA via DXLD) Given your outstanding DX location and equipment, XEFW would certainly be a possibility. Maybe even XEZC. The 0800 time is odd for any station outside of BC Norte. I'm not aware of any new Baja stations. KGO makes it well down the Baja coast middays in winter. 73, (Tim Hall, Chula Vista, CA, ibid.) Tim, Thanks. Yes, I was very surprised to hear the XE NA at Midnight PST on 810. But I guess Mexicans still sign off with the NA. Maybe it was an s/off rather that the regular NA at Midnight. I did not hear anything after the NA. As strong as it was, I would have heard SS talk I am sure. 73, (Patrick Martin, OR, ibid.) ** MEXICO. 6010, Radio Mil, 0802-0920, 12-03, Radio Mil está de aniversario, cumpliendo 64 años, y esto se refleja en la identificación de sus programas. Programa habitual de canciones en español, identificación: "A lo largo de la historia de la radio en México, muchos programas han quedado grabados en tu mente. Sólo la radio es capaz de traspasar la barrera del tiempo. Radio Mil, 64 años. Dos treinta". "Radio Mil dos cuarenta y dos". A las 0900: "Tu radio, radio Mil, 50.000 watts de potencia AM, onda corta 6010 kHz, internet, http://www.radiomil.com.mx Radio Mil, 64 años". Ni rastro de La Voz de tu Conciencia. 24322 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, Grundig Satetellit 500 y Sony ICF SW 7600 G, Antena de cable 10 metros, orientada WSW, Escucha relizadas en Friol, 27 Km. W. de Lugo, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO [and non]. "BORDER BLASTERS AND OUTLAW BROADCASTERS" The magical sounds and stories of the "X" stations located just on the other side of the border in Mexico from the 1930s to the 1950s are rediscovered in KUT's new documentary, "Border Blasters and Outlaw Broadcasters". The documentary examines the border radio phenomenon that helped reshape contemporary music, modern advertising, the media and American culture. Hear it this Sunday morning at 11 on KUT 90.5 FM. Major funding provided by: William and Salomé Scanlan Foundation of Austin and San Antonio. Additional funding from George and Fran Ramsey and the listeners of KUT Radio, Austin on demand: http://www.kut.org/site/PageServer?pagename=border_radio (via Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MOLDOVA. A-06 remaining services via Maiac Grigoriopol-MDA, some veiled, brokered by VT-MNO-Merlin or TDP. 5910 1600-1640 28,29 KCH 500 265 MDA MOL GFC 5950 1700-2100 28S,38 KCH 500 180 MDA VOR GFC 6015 1955-2200 18,27,28W KCH 300 265 RUS RNW GFC 7180 0000-0500 27N KCH 500 310 MDA VOR GFC [VOR to NAm?] 7350 2000-2200 27,28 KCH 300 310 MDA VOR GFC 7360 2000-2200 28 KCH 500 309 MDA YFR GFC 7460 0230-0315 39-41 KCH 500 116 MDA MNO GFC 7480 1800-1845 40 KCH 500 116 MDA MNO GFC 9665 0000-0500 8,9,11,27 KCH 500 295 MDA VOR GFC 11530 0400-1600 39,40 KCH 500 115 MDA TDP GFC 11530 0400-0800 39 KCH 300 116 Kur MDA MEZ TDP [V Mesopotamia] 11530 0800-1200 39 KCH 300 116 Kur MDA MEZ TDP [V Mesopotamia] 11530 1200-1600 39 KCH 500 116 Kur MDA MEZ TDP [V Mesopotamia] 13800 1630-1715 39,40 KCH 250 116 MDA MNO GFC 15660 0900-1000 27,28 KCH 300 295 MDA TDP GFC 17660 1200-1400 37,38,46 KCH 250 250 MDA TDP GFC (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX Mar 7 via DXLD) [with gh notations] ** NEW ZEALAND. R New Zealand International DRM Test Date: Tuesday 14 March 2006 Time: 1315-1350 NZDT [0015-0050 UT] or maybe 1415-1450 NZDT [0115-0150 UT] Freq: 17675 kHz Due to installation work at Rangitaiki there is a possibility we may have to change the time of the broadcast to begin at 1415-1450 NZDT. For those of you on the other side of the dateline it will of course be Monday Adrian Sainsbury, Technical Manager Radio New Zealand International P O Box 123, Wellington Web: http://www.rnzi.com (via Mark Nicholls, Editor New Zealand DX Times, NZ Radio DX League, ripple via DXLD) ** NORTH AMERICA. THE CRYSTAL SHIP: LATE WINTER/SPRING 2006 Chosen Sat./Sun. mornings: 6854 kHz anytime between 1200-1600 UT. Sunday evenings/random weeknights: 6875 kHz between 2100-0000 UT. Prospective/proposed frequencies: 3275 kHz random evenings between 2300-0300 UT. Strangely enough, the least likely times to catch us on the air are 'pirate primetime' Friday and Saturday evenings, so don't bother looking for us then. As always, we invite new prospective listeners to join our Email list for alerts of broadcasts. To join, send an email to tcsshortwave @ yahoo.com ----------------- 73s and FIGHT for FREE RADIO! (The Poet, The Crystal Ship - Shortwave March 7, Monitoring Times BB via DXLD) ** OKLAHOMA. BBC finally objected to KGOU Norman OK running 5-hour- delayed BBCWS news at local noon, so they are shifting programmes around to carry BBC at 2100 UT instead. 1800 UT picks up Day to Day, and Fresh Air, previously at 2100, moves to 0100 UT, bumping the existing 0100 strip an hour later. This is from memory of an on-air announcement I heard on March 9; nothing about it on the website as of March 12, but it was to start on the 13th (Glenn Hauser, OK, DXLD) see also UK ** OKLAHOMA. New pirate in OKC: I discovered a pirate near the Penn Square Mall area at 101.1 fm. They had a CHR/Rhythmic format. I heard one brief spot with an announcer that sounded like he was 18 or so and he made a reference to their website at myspace.com. For weather, etc., they played the 599-1234 Time & Temp number (FridayNightInTheBigTown March 11, Radio-info.com Oklahoma board via DXLD) LOL! I bet his programming is better than the big four here in our wonderful town. Hell; most Ipods have better programming than most of the big four's crap around here. LOL! One of these big guys aught to change their calls to KRAP-FM. It would certainly fit the programming style of OKC radio in general. Good luck little pirate. Maybe at least people near Penn Square might have something to listen to for a while. I'll have to tune in sometime when I'm in the area and see what's on 101.1 (The Insultant, ibid.) Oh, they have a website: http://www.pirateaudio.org/main.html (FridayNightInTheBigTown, ibid.) Viz.: Star Date: 11/23/05 PARASITE 101.1 FM After years of discussing and planning, the collective has finally begun transmitting on liberated frequency 101.1 FM North Side OKC. We have been transmitting since July 05. Many Thanks to the S.P.A.Z. Soundsystem for the hook up. Thank you Jake. Due to the harsh winds of Oklahoma our antenna was bent in half and we lost 1 mile of coverage. We have plans to fix this in the spring, in the meantime we will continue to Broadcast. You can also catch Our broadcast on the web Transmission for the web are Sundays and Mondays Noon-Midnight CST [UT -6] (via DXLD) Running silent as I tried 2327 UT Sunday March 12 (gh) ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 7120, Wantok Radio Light (tentative), Mar 11, 0950-0957, non-stop religious songs in English, totally covered by strong CNR-8 *0957, //9610, with IS and anthem and into Korean programming (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, RX340, with T2FD antenna, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 7120, Wantok Radio Light, Port Moresby (probable), 0754-0815, 12-03, señal muy débil, sólo se logra escuchar en LSB, canciones, a las 0800 locutor, parece decir "Wantok Radio". Comentarios. Interferencia de estaciones transmitiendo en morse. 12221 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, Grundig Satetellit 500 y Sony ICF SW 7600 G, Antena de cable 10 metros, orientada WSW, Escucha relizadas en Friol, 27 Km. W. de Lugo, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 4950, Radio Madre de Dios, Puerto Maldonado, 2243-0033, 11- 02, locutor, comentarios y canciones religiosas: "Vivamos como verdaderos hijos de Dios", luego, lectura del rosario, luego mensajes para los oyentes de sus familiares, muchos para Puerto Maldonado y Río Piedras. "Las siete de la noche con treinta y ocho minutos". Muchos anuncios comerciales. Identificación: "Radio Madre de Dios". 24322. (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, Grundig Satetellit 500 y Sony ICF SW 7600 G, Antena de cable 10 metros, orientada WSW, Escucha relizadas en Friol, 27 Km. W. de Lugo, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. DRM Taldom: I strongly suspect that the "commissioned" transmitter is just the one used for DRM since a while ago, portrayed at http://www.drmradio.co.uk/html/taldom.html although "completing parts made in Germany" would indicate Transradio (ex-Telefunken) rather than Thales equipment (Kai Ludwig, Germany, March 13, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. Glenn, VOICE OF RUSSIA, Now confirmed: 7485 SAM 250 284 (28) 1700-1800 Radio Rossii relay. 1800-1900 Voice of Russia Polish. Was 5905. The evacuation of 5905 gives better results for the "all day" Russian Non Directional "local" CRI service Kashgar 100 KW. 73's (Dan Goldfarb, Brentwood, England, March 12, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [Later:] Firstly, the broadcast from 1700-1800 on 7485 is not Radio Rossii. It is in fact Sodruzhestvo Radio (Commonwealth Radio) possibly aimed at Belorussia?? The signal on this frequency has recently improved. Secondly, I noticed a strong signal on VOR's old frequency of 11985 at 1700 to 1800 in English (World Service). I remember this being used to ME/AF from a 500 kW unit in Moskva during the summer months. Thanks to the increasing MUF and the emptiness of 11 MHz at this time the signal was better than in previous years. Are these two changes a sign of EARLY implementation of VOR's summer A06 schedule? 73's (Dan Goldfarb, Brentwood, Essex, March 13, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Russia always makes mid-season frequency adjustments on the first Sunday in March. Perhaps these are among them (gh, DXLD) ** SOUTH AFRICA. TALK RADIO 702 BACK ON ITS USUAL FREQUENCY South African commercial station Talk Radio 702 has returned to its scheduled frequency of 702 kHz from its transmitter site at Ga- Rankuwa, North West of Pretoria. The transmitter was seriously damaged by fire, and the station had temporarily been broadcasting on 540 kHz from an alternative site. Repairs have now been completed by engineers from service provider Sentech. # posted by Andy @ 12:02 UT March 13 (Media Network blog via DXLD) Viz.: http://www.bizcommunity.com/Article/196/59/9542.html (via Zacharias Liangas, Greece, DXLD) ** SOUTH AMERICA. Dear friends: A couple of hours ago returned from a DX Camp in Chascomús with my friends Arnaldo Slaen, Enrique Wembagher, Marcelo Cornachioni and Hector Goyena. PIRATE: Radio Bosques back to 6189 kHz, heard yesterday and today but announced special transmission for today on 9805 at 0100 UT. Receiver: Sony ICF 2010; Antenna: Longwire 30 mts (Nicolás Eramo, Argentina, March 12, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Meaning UT March 13, I assume. 9805 supposedly free at that time per EiBi, but I often note an idling Cuban jammer since R. Martí uses it later (Glenn Hauser, in advance, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SPAIN. I attended the news conference weeks back here in Madrid and posted a story on my blog. REE is not being scrapped for now but will no longer have a separate news service from the rest of the network. No word on foreign language services (Marty [Delfín] http://madridkid.blogspot.com/ | 03.12.06 - 10:01 pm, Media Network blog via Kai Ludwig, DXLD) ** TAIWAN [non]. RTI post box in India! To all our South Asian listeners, if you'd like to save a little postage, you're welcome to mail your letters to the RTI postbox in India: RTI, P. O. Box 4914, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi, 110029, India (Raja2, India, March 12, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TANZANIA. Radio Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam 1214 kHz. Full data QSL & friendly letter for registered mail & $US. Veri signers Ndaro Nyamwocha, PO Box 9191, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. He states currently they are running 10 kW with this transmitter. Really happy to verify this, new country #91 (Craig Edwards, Nhulunbuy (Gove), Northern Territory, Australia, March 12, dxing.info via DXLD) ** U K. START POINT'S SPECIAL ROLE FOLLOWING D DAY [1050 / 583 kHz, 180 kW] By Stuart Frost. Retired engineer-in-charge, Start Point. This article appeared in Prospero (newspaper for retired BBC staff) in July 2004. The D Day memorial services and celebrations were of particular interest to me. I live near Slapton Sands, where the Americans did most of their training for 6 June 1944. I was, however, a little disappointed that there was no mention of Start Point Transmitting Station in any of the reports, especially by the BBC. Start Point played an important role in the Normandy landings and for many months afterwards. I joined the BBC Transmitter Department at Start Point in 1943 as a Youth in Training Transmitters (YT) at the age of 15. Start Point was designed and built in 1939, before the war, to radiate the then Western Programme on a frequency of 1050 kHz, using a 100 kW Standard Telephone & Cable (ST&C) type C100. The aerial system was two 450 ft lattice mast radiators, the Northern mast was the radiator and the Southern a reflector. This gave good coverage for all the West Country and the Southern part of England. . . http://www.bbceng.info/Operations/transmitter_ops/Reminiscences/start_point.htm (via BCDX March 11 via DXLD) ** U S A [and non]. Sour grapes from someone at the VOA -- Washington Post editorial. See http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/03/10/AR2006031001721.html?sub=AR or http://makeashorterlink.com/?V5C2128CC (Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA, Swprograms mailing list via DXLD) Laments that BBCWS, funded by Foreign Office = government, gets so much airplay on US radio, including Washington, while VOA cannot (gh, DXLD) His point is well taken. but he doesn't get parts of his story correct. Nothing WETA or WAMU get from BBC World Service is ever live. It's tape delayed. The newscasts are usually three to five hours old. And at one time C Span was running sap audio programming that included content from VOA. So the prohibition on domestic rebroadcasting doesn't hold up either. Rmember BBC World Service turned off the shortwave to the US several years back in favor of rebroadcasting. Wonder what he thinks of BBC World TV? (Lou Josephs, 03.12.06 - 10:17 pm, RN Media Network blog via DXLD) See also OKLAHOMA ** U S A [and non]. As some of you know, I have been in contact with a VOA official concerning QSLs. The VOA had one person responsible for QSLing and that person passed away suddenly in 2005. I have in the past three weeks received two QSLs from the VOA for the same report. One was sent to the WRTH snail mail address in October, a follow up was sent to the email address on the web site in December. As mentioned, both have now been verified with a card specific to the Sao Tome transmitter site (the QSL depicts the antenna array there from an aerial photo), along with a calendar and rather large magazine style program guide. I would recommend sending polite follow up reports via either method at this juncture, or, if reception is of an more easily heard relay site, a new report. I would emphasize that everyone remain polite and not criticize the VOA for not responding to prior reports. Always remember that QSL's are a courtesy and are never a "right" for DXers. I would allow 4-6 weeks for a response (Russell Lay, NC, hcdx Mar 10 via BCDX via DXLD) ** U S A. LICENSE CANCELLATIONS/CALL LETTERS DELETED: 1180 VOA FL Marathon - The US government`s VOA station directed at Cuba is now `missing` from the FCC database. But reports indicate the station is still on (Bill Hale, TX, AM Switch, NRC E-DX News Match 13 via DXLD) I confess to not having looked for it before, but was it ever in the FCC database, as it is not under FCC jurisdixion? (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WJCC-1700 --- Well my speculation of a few days ago appears to have been correct. The owners of this station have turned in the license for WJCC-1700 and will continue to operate the station on 1210 kHz. Unless the FCC makes some changes to their regs this is gone forever (Alan Merriman, MWC via DXLD) Miami FL ** U S A. Could not check WRMI 9955 before 0600 UT Sunday March 12 to confirm audibility of WORLD OF RADIO, but at 0628 I was hearing lite bubble jamming on the frequency, and traces of audio which I thought was in Spanish, but World Radio Network is, I suppose, still scheduled at this time. There was also RTTY on the high side (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Solar-terrestrial indices for 11 March follow. Solar flux 74 and mid- latitude A-index 13. The mid-latitude K-index at 0600 UTC on 12 March was 1 (8 nT). No space weather storms were observed for the past 24 hours (SEC via DXLD) ** U S A. WBCQ Schedule Update, Sunday, March 12, 2006. A new show called "867-5309," hosted by WBCQ's Jennifer, debuted Sunday March 12, 2006, at 0100, on 7415. This new show displaces Church of the Subgenius Hour of Slack. However, Radio Six International's run Sundays 0300 to 0500 on 7415 has completed, so Hour of Slack will move to 0400 Sundays on 7415 and 0300-0400 will revert back to Radio New York International. Wednesdays 0030 to 0100 was being reserved for Jen's return, being the old time slot for her "Jen 'Duhs' the News" show. With Jen's return to Saturday evenings, that time has been taken by Rabbi Spivak's EVM Jewish Radio Network, which now has 0000 to 0100 Wednesdays on 7415. The 0030 time had been used for a rebroadcast of World of Radio (Larry Will, WBCQ, March 12, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) You mean, to keep all this in UT days and times, Monday 0400 for Slack, and also Mondays referring to Six, RNI. BTW, I know of one other station webcasting COTSHOS, WHUS, UT Sunday 0500-0600 and heard it last night. Unfortunately, it`s not in the database of publicradiofan.com perhaps because Church starts its title. Anyone care to explain why Jennifer`s show apparently is named for a phone number, and what it`s about? 73, (Glenn, ibid.) I'm not sure what Jennifer's show is about but "867-5309" is a reference to a song, "867-5309/Jenny" by Tommy Tutone which was released in 1981 (Steve Lare, Holland, MI, USA, ibid.) As a semiregular fan of the Hour of Slack, I have to say that I'm glad it's not disappearing altogether. I'm also glad to know that there's another place to hear it given the last time there was a program substitution that left me in the dark, initially. Larry Will (cosmikdebris, is that you??) might keep in mind that reshuffling without notice is prohibitive to the development of a fan base, and fans will turn elsewhere when the favorite program suddenly and without notice disappears from the time a fan specially sets aside to hear said favorite program (Clara Listensprechen, ibid.) ** U S A. A SHADOW HANGS OVER HIS DAYS --- Drug and sex allegations stemming from a Jan. 6 arrest have KCRW-FM's Chris Douridas still waiting to be cleared -- or charged. By Martin Miller Times Staff Writer March 13 2006 Chris Douridas first made a name for himself as the musical director at Santa Monica's public radio powerhouse KCRW-FM and as the original host of the station's cutting-edge and influential show "Morning Becomes Eclectic." But that was just the opening act. The complete article can be viewed at: http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/la-et-douridas13mar13,0,4140592.story?coll=la-home-entertainment (via Ricky Leong, DXLD) ** U S A. From WHEN AM 620 Syracuse, NY, circa 1975: http://www.conelrad.com/media/tm/tm_ebs.wax (Curtis Sadowski, IL, Mar 11, 2006 09:02 PST, WTFDA Soundoff via DXLD) EBS test set to music, har hee (gh, DXLD) ** U S A. With thanks to Bill Hale, who brought this item to my attention. This posting originally appeared on Tim Noonan's fine web site devoted to DXing in Wisconsin. Visit the site at: http://www.angelfire.com/wi/dxing/ WISN, 1130 will be off the air tonight for maintenance starting at 10:00PM Central time, as reported by Kent Winrich. If WISN is local to you, or if it keeps you from hearing weaker stations on this frequency, then tonight may be a good chance for you (Les Rayburn, N1LF, NRC/IRCA Broadcast Test Coordinator, March 13, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I finally found item at http://www.angelfire.com/wi/dxing/notes.html so it`s UT Tuesday March 14 from 0400, not 24 hours later as originally stated (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) ** VENEZUELA. 5000, Observatorio Naval Cagigal, Caracas, 0609-0630, 12-03, señales horarias, identificación a cada minuto "Observatorio Naval Cagigal, al oir el tono serán...". Fuerte interferencia de WWV, Fort Collins, Colorado y más débil de WWVH, Hawaii. 22222 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, Grundig Satetellit 500 y Sony ICF SW 7600 G, Antena de cable 10 metros, orientada WSW, Escucha relizadas en Friol, 27 Km. W. de Lugo, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VENEZUELA [non]. Checked for ``Aló, Presidente`` via Cuba, Sunday March 12 at 1522: zero on 9550, 11670, 13750, 15230 17750, but something like that on 11875, much better than 13680 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** YUGOSERBIA. (and region). Serbian-dominated Yugoslavia has been reduced to Serbia and somewhat tenuously, Montenegro and nominally Kosovo. One by one through the ‘90s, Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia- Herzegovina left the federation, after varying degrees of armed conflict. In April or May, Montenegrins will vote to either stay in the Federation of Serbia and Montenegro, or to become an independent state, like most of the other former Yugoslav republics. As one can imagine this is THE story as far as the International Radio of Serbia and Montenegro (formerly Radio Yugoslavia) is concerned. Listening to IRSM news recently online a few observations come to mind. First, Radio Yugoslavia has gone through a number of radical changes in tone over the past 15-20 years, reflective of events in the country. My first loggings of Radio Yugoslavia in 1988 left a positive impression --- fairly balanced news for a (still) communist, if non- aligned, nation. By 1990, Slovenia became the first state to break away --- RY reports were remarkably fair and balanced, reporting the situation and giving both sides of the conflict. As the ‘90s progressed and the conflict in the region became noted for fratricidal war, war crimes, and the introduction to the world’s vocabulary of the term ``ethnic cleansing``, the tone of Radio Yugoslavia became increasingly the voice of Serbia and Milosevic. Anti-American to be sure. Defiant. This continued until NATO effectively silenced Radio Yugoslavia during its bombing of Belgrade in 1999. When Radio Yugoslavia returned, a few things changed. Post-Milosevic, yet another new tone emerged. Now Radio Yugoslavia attempted to be conciliatory towards the US, NATO and the West, while at the same time defending the independence of their state and government. Co-operative --- to a degree. Essentially this continues to the present day. IRSM news is fixated on the impending referendum in Montenegro, and how bad it would be if Montenegro voted to leave. It would raise the ``question of borders``. A veiled threat of a Croatian or Bosnian-style conflict? Belgrade is doing all it can to co-operate with the Hague Tribunal dealing with war crimes from the nineties. Don’t blame us if we can’t find Ratko Mladic --- or almost any other wanted individual. Kosovo, or as they style it Kosmet (Kosovo – Metohija) continues to be a thorny issue. Belgrade considers it a renegade province. They are only interested in the territorial integrity of the state and the rights of ethnic Serbian citizens in Kosovo. As the Montenegro referendum approaches, it would be wise to give IRSM and other regional stations a listen (Fred Waterer, Programming Matters, ODXA LISTENING IN/March 2006 via DXLD) ** ZIMBABWE. 6612.0, ZBC Harare, 0236-0250, Feb 26, Shona/Ndebele/..., Spur on 6612 in nicely. Male announcer with ID at 0235. Playing some rather nice African music. S5 signal level with fades to near noise floor at times. Nice music. Harmonic of 3306. Male again at 0242 with brief announcements and back to some really nice music. Rechecked on 06 March, 0100 to past 0300 and was booming in at S7 level. Great music. Complete ID and addresses provided in English at 0200. Excellent copy, recorded audio for two hours (R. Montgomery, PA, March 12, HCDX via DXLD) UNIDENTIFIED. Can any SW DXers help me with this? On 6005 between 1400 and 1500 UT, I am hearing a steady signal with talk (possibly news items) in a language I do not recognize. Two outlets technically possible at that time are supposed to be in English. A classical music piece is used as an IS at 1400 and before 1500 sign-off. I have been looking for Yemen due to an item on the Hard-core-dx website, but WRTH lists Yemen's IS as using a flute (without specifying the tune), and this is not a flute. Help! (Art Peterson, Richmond, CA, Winradio G313i, longwire, March 12, IRCA via DXLD) Voice of Russia in Korean via Komsomolsk na Amure scheduled on 6005 at 14-15 per EiBi; was it `Great Gate of Kiev` from Mussorgsky`s ``Pictures at an Exhibition``? VOR`s IS (Glenn Hauser, ibid.) And I was hearing Korean on 6005 during that hour March 13 (gh, OK, DXLD) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONVENTIONS & CONFERENCES +++++++++++++++++++++++++ PICTURES FROM WINTER SWL FEST; plan now to join us for #20! I try not to do much cross-posting here, but these who have never been to a Winter SWL Fest might want to go ahead and begin making plans to join us for the 20th Fest, next March 8-10, 2007. While a Fest typically involves 2 days of technical sessions and scheduled activities, our current thinking is to make the 20th Fest 3 days long. We already have commitments from current (and former) international broadcasters to join us for the fest. Since Southwest Airlines now serves Philadelphia, that helps to keep air fares lower than they used to be. Big Steve Coletti's photo album below gives a good idea of the look & feel of the Fest. Bob Zanotti -- remember him from SRI? -- is in the process of producing an hour-long (maybe even 90 minutes long) report on the Fest for his "Switzerland In Sound" site, http://www.switzerlandinsound.com When Bob has the segment ready, it will be posted in the section labeled "The Two Bobs". Switzerlandinsound.com, by the way, is the only place to find Swiss "radio" targeting an international audience - -- you won't find any at SRI. Hope to see many folks from this list join us in Kulpsville next March! (Richard "Co-Festmeister" Cuff Allentown, PA USA, swprograms via DXLD) I've added a few pictures Dan Srebnick sent me to a new album on my site. http://pix.dkosmedia.com or http://dkosmediaus.com and select from menu (Steve Coletti, swlfest list via Cuff, ibid.) DAYTON 2006 HAMVENTION NEWS A press release by Jay, K4ZLE, from the SouthWest Ohio DX Association (SWODXA) states: "The program for the 21st annual DX Dinner has been finalized. The speaker this year will be Harvey Laidman, W8DX. Harvey has had a 30 year career directing network TV shows including "The Waltons", "JAG", "7th Heaven", "Magnum PI", and many, many more. Harvey suggested the following as titles for his presentation: "DXpedition to Oblivion", "The Psychosexual Evolution of Ham Radio", "I Hate Ham Radio", "DXing and its Power Over the Opposite Sex", "Fifty Years in Front of the Same Table", "I Didn't Fall off the Roof. This is How I am.", "Put That Stuff Down and Go Get a Job", "You'd Rather Talk to Stranger Than to Me!". He added that regardless of what title we pick, the program will be the same! We think the program will be very entertaining. Tickets are moving quickly and we expect to sell out. If you plan to attend, please act now. The dinner will be Friday evening, May 19th, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, located in Dayton city center. Tickets are 34.00 USDs per meal, payable in U.S. funds to SWODXA. (Sorry, We do NOT process PayPal or Credit Card payments.) You may order from Jay Slough, K4ZLE, at his CBA. Requests received without SASE will be available at the door. If you do not send an SASE, include your E-mail address and we will confirm receipt of your check. We attempt to honor group seating requests when tickets are ordered together. DX stations wanting to attend should contact Jay directly for payment options." Further information may be obtained from Jay at: k4zle yahoo net K4ZLE's CBA is 8183 Woodward Dr., West Chester, OH 45069. Also, visit the SWODXA's Web page to see the prizes they are giving away at: http://www.swodxa.com/dxdinner.htm (KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 March 13 via Dave Raycroft, ODXA via DXLD) LANGUAGE LESSONS ++++++++++++++++ ``RECORD`` Dear Glenn, The pronunciation explanation you included lead me to compile the following: BRAZIL "Record" pronounced "heh-COR-jee" ?! What on earth is "heh-CORD-jee"? All right, a variant of Braz. Port. may pronounce this final "d" so that it sounds approx. like a soft - jee-, which is a non-existent sound in Port. (i.e. the sound dzh as the j in the word "jungle" does not exist, only zh), but "heh" representing the "re"? First concept: the Port. h is a mute consonant; secondly, there is no way whereby you can represent the sound of the initial R unless you know & can use the appropriate phonetic symbols. The initial R or double R in the middle of words (arritmia, monorrítimico, prorrogar, guitarra, is very much like Fr. "garage" or Ger. "Strasse", whereas the middle R & the final R are softer, almost like in Castilian. For anyone learning Portuguese, I believe most of the Brazilian way of pronunciation can be disconcerting at the least; take the name of the country itself... Brasil: in standard/Euro. Port., it's pronounced [brazil], so almost like in English, except for the R, of course; in Braz. Port., the typical mode is [bràziu] or [brahziu] if the acute accent mark does make sense for many of the readers (the A like the A in Hauser). Conversely, "Portugal" is pronounced [porrtugáu] instead of [purtugàl]. However, that varies somewhat according to regions, of course. 73, (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, March 13, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I said it was an approximation since I have to use regular letters here, not the complete IPA. The initial R I was trying to convey in Brasilian would be [x] in the IPA, not a silent H. Sorry if as a Portuguese you find Brazilian disconcerting, but I am just trying to render the way they actually speak as an aid in identification. The initial R does come out as the equivalent of Russian X, Spanish J, etc., not a trilled or uvular R. Since the word Record obviously comes from English, I think the D would still be in there as pronounced in Brazilian, but I should have attached it to the last syllable before the J. Perhaps a genuine Brazilian would like to send me a brief audio clip of the word Record clearly and slowly pronounced. Of course, there are regional variations, and the X- initialism is more typical of the Nordeste. Otherwise, also in the very word Rádio, there can be a mixture of the X and the RR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Glenn, Yes, I did understand what you meant, but - as I said - "heh" - denotes no R sound, only a stressed guttural sound like the one represented in Castilian by J (in Spain, Méjico replaces México) or in Russoam by X, or even in German/Irish by CH, etc. However, I understand your confusion: the way some of us, the Brazilians included, pronounce the initial R resembles the sound you think you hear, but that's not actually what happens despite some tutorials in this regard http://omniglot.com/writing/portuguese.htm with more info on the Brazilian Portuguese than that of ours, and quite a few others. As you'll understand, the J/Ch/X sound is strange and somewhat uncomfortable for us, like a typical Portuguese nasalized sound must be for you, I think. Finally, try and I'm sure you'll understand what I mean about the R, etc. As to the d in "record", which is as you say, a word borrowed from the English language, some Brazilians do pronounce it like a soft -dje-, but many like -d-, so almost like we do. However, another (incorrect) variant of our own pronunciation could be [rèkòr], i.e. almost "à la française." An older generation would rather say [fòr] when referring to the Ford brand of vehicles... or [restaurã] instead of [restaurãte] (restaurante), restaurant, but that, again, is due to this being a French word. Ah, we could stay here chatting about this the whole day, hi! 73, (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, ibid.) RADIO EQUIPMENT FORUM +++++++++++++++++++++ S350DL $100 Price = No Headphones? Re: ``Can`t say I`m too impressed with the S350 though. Drifty, a lot of pesty images (including in band), and (personal quirk) tuning is clumsy. Sound is excellent when you can get it to stay on frequency though. Mark Taylor`` My initial impressions parallel this. The main difference between the S350 & S350DL is supposed to be the anti-drift circuit, and I will acknowledge that I haven't noticed SW drifting. But a side effect of that circuit is that it makes the actual tuning in of a specific frequency right on the 0 or 5 kHz spot a bit difficult -- it will lock on a kHz or two higher or lower and tend not to let go. This was described in the RadioIntel.com review of the Tecsun version. But I agree with the "clumsy" tuning - the knob feels rough and the fast/slow concentric knobs don't seem to work just right. I've been used to the smooth tuning of the Satellit 800 knob and the thumbwheel tuning of various smaller portables. The audio quality is pretty good, though. One area that is distinctly disappointing is the FM performance. I was hoping that it would be a reasonable FM DX radio, sort of a digital- readout version of a GE SuperRadio II or III (both of which I use). It isn't. I can't even receive WSIE, 88.7 MHz, from Edwardsville, IL, at all, here in St. Louis, no matter how I fiddle with the whip antenna. That station is considered to be "local" but is a good test of FM performance here -- a good FM radio will get it nice and clear, a poorer one will always have some noise on the signal, and a low-end FM radio doesn't get it at all. It comes in fine on the GE SuperRadios, on a Sony 2010, on a Kaito KA 1103, on a Sangean 909/DX-398, and on a batch of others, but not on the S350DL. A $100 (or $150) radio should be better! Also, if you've become used to the multiple memories of the various digital sets, having to tune across the entire band (and use a bandswitch, too) to go from one frequency to another is tedious. If you are recommending a radio to an SW newbie, I would go with a Kaito/Degen 1103, unless the main factor is the audio quality. Many of the 1103s have poor audio quality (due to the use of incorrect components in the audio circuit, as per the discussion on the 1103 YahooGroup) and the sound quality on the S350DL would increase the Wife Acceptance Factor, since women's ears tend to be better than males'. As an old-line audiophile, I've found that I tend to stop using my 1103 after a short while, due to audio fatigue. I can leave my Satellit 800 on all night with no ear-tiredness. 73, (Will Martin, MO, March 11, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) STUDIO QUALITY LIGHT DIMMERS, RF-NOISE-FREE, $100 We are decorating our youngest daughter's bedroom and Linda wishes to swap the existing light switch for a rotary dimmer. You can imagine how this filled me with dread and I'm sure she noticed the colour drain from my face when she made the announcement a few minutes ago. I politely pointed out that the noise it would produce would wipe out the entire medium wave band. Our neighbour has one of these and this too causes interference every night, though it isn't usually a problem, depending on what setting they have it at. I am hoping there is an alternative to the buzz-inducing dimmers you buy from places like B&Q. Please, please, PLEASE someone tell me there is a good alternative type of dimmer switch out there which DOESN'T cause interference. Fingers crossed so tightly they hurt (John Faulkner, UK, MWC via DXLD) Hi John, I feel your pain ... Fortunately, there are alternatives to mass-market light dimmers. My good friend John Bryant in Oklahoma USA once recommended "studio grade" light dimmers as fully shielded, RFI-reduced choices. These type of models are specified by architects and builders of professional recording studios and the like. These businesses cannot tolerate noisy dimmers or other devices spewing RFI into their expensive equipment and looping through their interconnects. You might investigate lighting supply houses that serve the construction and architect trade. These clean, low (or no) RFI dimmers *do* exist! They just aren't your typical dimmer found at the DIY home improvement outlets. Good luck! (Guy Atkins, Puyallup, WA USA, blog: http://www.sdr-1000.blogspot.com ibid.) I need some details about these dimmers. Any types, places to buy them in the UK. Thanks (John, ibid.) John, Afraid that you'll have to research that. The dimmers are only available here at electrical parts houses that cater to professional electricians. Even they may have to order them from a catalog. They are probably available on-line, try Google. They are called "studio quality" dimmers for incandescent lights and coast in the range of $100 USD each (John Bryant, OK, ibid.) John, The dimmers used in RFI sensitive locations such as studios are usually variacs (often called sinewave dimmers). Because they don't disrupt the waveform, they don't produce interference, but I doubt that they come small enough to fit in a standard wall box. Not a problem if you're fitting out a professional studio from scratch, but it may not be ideal at home. Domestic solid-state triac dimmers are small, but they chop the waveform and generate nasty harmonics that extend well into the RF bands. They should all incorporate a choke and a filter capacitor to reduce the RFI problem. Some types use larger chokes to reduce the speed of switching and so reduce the harmonics. Some use additional capacitors to filter out more of the harmonics. I don't have a direct answer to your question, in that I don't know which makes are better filtered than others, but a web search may find some. If I had to fit a dimmer at home, I'd make sure the wall box and switch fascia are metal, not plastic - they have to be earthed and so they'll enclose the dimmer in a more-or-less shielded box. However, a lot of the radiated RF will come from the mains cable running from the dimmer to the light. Obviously, this should be as short as possible, but that may not be something you can change. Inserting a mains RF filter should help, so should ferrite snap-ons or toroids (somewhere on the ARRL website there was a page about using ferrites to reduce dimmer noise). Of course, safety is a big issue and it should all be done by a qualified electrician, etc. The dimmer will only generate interference when it's on and dimming. Full on or switched off should be fine, so the problem will depend on how much of the time it's on and set to dim. Alternatives might be a multi-lamp fitting that lets you switch one or more lamps off to control the light level. Or a separate night light, if that's the reason for having a dimmer. Good luck, (Jack Weber, ibid.) Thank you for the detailed reply Jack. I have had quite a few suggestions now regarding which types of dimmer to buy and where from. I might try Screwfix as there is a model there which someone has recommended as being electrically quiet. Failing that I could approach my work for studio quality dimmers as they will doubtless use them throughout their studios. Maplin don't seem to know anything about them. Thank you all for your help. I especially need something like this hobby at the moment, though it's not as if I devote a lot of time to it these days. I record stuff overnight then play through key points of the recording the following morning. This takes me only a few minutes, then I'm back to my work. Everybody needs a hobby! Cheers. (John, ibid.) Hi John. Don't forget that you can add a second (maybe concealed) light socket in series, which will run bulbs at about half or (quarter for concealed) power, and you can also wire in a 1000V rectifier diode to further halve power. Fit a three way light switch in place of the single to provide the dimming options. No interference and happy wife! Cheers (Graham Maynard, ibid.) Keep in mind that dimmers sold in the US/Canada are designed for 110 volt operation and might not appreciate working with 220 volts in the UK. Some might work fine, but check the manufacturer's specs before plunking down the money for one. Electronic components tend to smoke when you apply too many volts, and once the smoke escapes it's hard to put it back in :) (Bruce Portzer, ibid.) POWERLINE COMMUNICATIONS ++++++++++++++++++++++++ BPL QRM in Manassas City, VA I wanted to hear for myself the QRM caused by BPL. Especially after reading the following in DXLD and being asked about the QRM by gh. "FCC DIRECTS MANASSAS BPL SYSTEM TO ACT FOLLOWING HAM'S INTERFERENCE COMPLAINT --- March 9 2006 Responding to a radio amateur's interference complaint, the FCC has directed the City of Manassas, Virginia, and its BPL system operator COMTek to conduct measurements to ensure its system complies with FCC Part 15 rules. The Commission also instructed the city to "resolve any continuing harmful interference." FCC Spectrum Enforcement Division Chief Joseph P. Casey on March 7 called on the city and COMTek to follow up on a complaint filed January 19 by ARRL member Dwight Agnew, AI4II. Agnew, who frequently travels through Manassas and operates mobile, alleges harmful BPL interference along Virginia Business Route 234. . . Full story at http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2006/03/09/100/?nc=1 (via Mike Barraclough; Mike Terry, dxldyg via DXLD)" Here is a map of the Manassas City, Rt. 234 area http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?formtype=address&addtohistory=&address=&city=Manassas&state=VA&zipcode=20110&country=US&geodiff=1 There are Manassas City, Manassas Park and Manassas (in Prince William County). Each has their own taxing authority, their own schools, their own government, etc. Confusing, I know. My QTH is in the Manassas portion of Prince William County. Fortunately, at my QTH I have not had any BPL interference that I know about. Until I can construct an antenna outside I am using antenna wire around the walls and ceiling of my listening post. I am getting amazing reception with the lousy antenna. Therefore, I'm sure I'd know if I was having BPL QRM. As I type this information I'm hearing N5KDZ (Bill in Texas) calling CQ on 7.2 LSB MHz. SIO 555 Route 234 (Sudley Road) mentioned in the article only is in Manassas City for a short way. It goes from Rt. 28 (Centerville Road) to Godwin Drive. Rt. 234 continues from Godwin Drive past Rt. 66, however this portion of Rt. 234 is in Prince William County. Therefore, the article must concern the portion between Rt. 28 and Godwin Drive. It's time to go and hear for myself. March 12, 2006 11:55AM outside and away from car, in Weems Elementary School parking lot. The car engine is off. Using Sony ICF-SW7600G portable receiver. http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?latlongtype=internal&addtohistory=&latitude=329ACdLungU%3d&longitude=oBirR3fHTTA%3d&name=Weems%20Elementary%20School&country=US&address=8750%20Weems%20Rd&city=Manassas&state=VA&zipcode=20110&phone=703%2d257%2d8799&spurl=0&&q=weems%20es&qc=Schools%20%28K%2d12%29 No = not hearing static noises. MW no 2 MHz no 3 MHz no 4 MHz hearing popping static type noise with periodic bursts 5 MHz same as 4 MHz 6 MHz same as 4 MHz 7 MHz same as 4 MHz 8 MHz same as 4 MHz, severe 9 MHz same as 4 MHz 10 MHz same as 4 MHz, slight 11 MHz same as 4 MHz 12 MHz same as 4 MHz however the static noise sounds different 13 MHz same as 4 MHz 14 MHz same as 4 MHz 15 MHz no 16 MHz same as 4 MHz 17 MHz no 18 MHz no 19 MHz no 20 MHz no 21 MHz same as 4 MHz 22 MHz no 23 MHz no 24 MHz no 25 MHz no 26 MHz no 27 MHz no 28 MHz no 29 MHz no 29.999 MHz no FM no As I drive away from Weems ES, I experience distortion/interference on all FM stations. I've not experienced this distortion/interference before. March 12, 2006 12:16PM train depot parking lot on Prince William Street. I consider this location as the heart of historic Manassas City. Outside and away from car. The car engine is off. Using Sony ICF-SW7600G portable receiver. http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?formtype=address&country=US&popflag=0&latitude=&longitude=&name=&phone=&level=&addtohistory=&cat=&address=9451+West+Street&city=Manassas&state=VA&zipcode=20110 No = not hearing static noises. MW no 2 MHz no 3 MHz no 4 MHz hearing popping static type noise with periodic bursts. Same as Weems ES 5 MHz same as 4 MHz, severe 6 MHz same as 4 MHz, severe 7 MHz same as 4 MHz 8 MHz same as 4 MHz, severe 9 MHz same as 4 MHz, severe 10 no 11 MHz same as 4 MHz 12 MHz same as 4 MHz, severe 13 MHz same as 4 MHz 14 MHz same as 4 MHz 15 MHz no 16 MHz same as 4 MHz 17 MHz same as 4 MHz 18 MHz no 19 MHz same as 4 MHz 20 MHz same as 4 MHz 21 MHz no 22 MHz no 23 MHz no 24 MHz no 25 MHz flapping noise. Not static like others. 26 MHz no 27 MHz no 28 MHz no 29 MHz no 29.999 MHz no FM no March 12, 2006 12:35PM Sitting outside my QTH. The car engine is off. Using Sony ICF-SW7600G portable receiver. I do not hear the static noise on any frequency. Hope this information is useful. 73, (Kraig Krist, KG4LAC, Manassas, VA, March 13, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) TIPS FOR RATIONAL LIVING ++++++++++++++++++++++++ I've spent a good deal of my DX time over the past few days doing simple logs of mainstream broadcasters and then writing friendly letters thanking them for staying on the air and not cutting back on transmission time. I've realized all over again what good, balanced coverage of world news comes from stations like R. Netherlands, R. Prague, and DW. I don't want them to vanish! I loved hearing Oman for the first time this week but I enjoyed almost as much the comprehensive, thoughtful treatment of the death of Slobodan Milosevic from R. Netherlands (Jim Ronda, Tulsa OK, NASWA Flashsheet March 12 via DXLD) ###