DX LISTENING DIGEST 4-119, August 10, 2004 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, http://www.worldofradio.com Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. Materials taken from Arctic or originating from Olle Alm and not having a commercial copyright are exempt from all restrictions of noncommercial, noncopyrighted reusage except for full credits For restrixions and searchable 2004 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid.html NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn NEXT AIRINGS OF WORLD OF RADIO 1240: Wed 0930 on WWCR 9475 Wed 1600 on WBCQ after-hours http://wbcq.com repeated weekdaily Mon 0330 on WSUI 910, webcast http://wsui.uiowa.edu WORLD OF RADIO 1240 in the true SW sound of 7415: (stream) http://www.piratearchive.com/media/worldofradio_08-04-04.m3u (d`load) http://www.piratearchive.com/media/worldofradio_08-04-04.mp3 AIRINGS OF WORLD OF RADIO 1241: Wed 2200 on WBCQ 7415, 17495-CUSB Thu 2000 on RFPI http://www.rfpi.org repeated 4-hourly [maybe] Thu 2030 on WWCR 15825 Fri 0200 on ACBRadio Mainstream repeated 2-hourly http://www.acbradio.org/mainstream.html Fri 1600 on WBCQ after-hours http://wbcq.com repeated weekdaily Fri 2300 on Studio X, Momigno, Italy 1584 Sat 0800 on WRN1 to Europe, Africa, Asia, Pacific Sat 0855 on WNQM Nashville 1300 Sat 1030 on WWCR 5070 Sat 1830 on WPKN Bridgeport, 89.5, http://www.wpkn.org Sat 2000 on RFPI http://www.rfpi.org repeated 8-hourly [maybe] Sat 2030 on WWCR 12160 Sat 2030 on WBCQ 17495-CUSB Sat 2030 on R. Lavalamp http://www.radiolavalamp.org Sat 2300 on RFPI http://www.rfpi.org repeated 8-hourly [maybe] Sun 0230 on WWCR 5070 Sun 0300 on WBCQ 9330-CLSB Sun 0630 on WWCR 3210 Sun 1000 on WRN1 to North America, webcast; also KSFC 91.9 Spokane WA, and WDWN 89.1 Auburn NY; maybe KTRU 91.7 Houston TX, each with webcasts Sun 1100 on R. Lavalamp http://www.radiolavalamp.org Sun 1500 on R. Lavalamp http://www.radiolavalamp.org Sun 1900 on Studio X, Momigno, Italy 1584 Sun 2000 on RNI webcast, http://www.11L-rni.com Mon 0100 on WBCQ 9330-CLSB Mon 0230 on WRMI 6870 [NEW] Mon 0330 on WSUI 910, webcast http://wsui.uiowa.edu [previous Extra49] Mon 0430 on WBCQ 7415, webcast http://wbcq.us Mon 0900 on R. Lavalamp http://www.radiolavalamp.org Mon 1600 on WBCQ after-hours http://wbcq.com repeated weekdaily Wed 0930 on WWCR 9475 WRN ONDEMAND [from Fri]: http://new.wrn.org/listeners/stations/station.php?StationID=24 OUR ONDEMAND AUDIO [also for CONTINENT OF MEDIA, MUNDO RADIAL]: Check http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html from early UT Thu: WORLD OF RADIO 1241 (high version): (stream) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor1241h.ram (download) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor1241h.rm (summary) http://www.worldofradio.com/wor1241.html WORLD OF RADIO 1241 (low version): (stream) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor1241.ram (download) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor1241.rm DX/SWL/MEDIA PROGRAMS Aug 8 update: http://www.worldofradio.com/dxpgms.html DXLD YAHOOGROUP: Why wait for DXLD? A lot more info, not all of it appearing in DXLD later, is posted at our new yg. Here`s where to sign up. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dxld/ (Glenn Hauser, May 13, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AFGHANISTAN [non]. Re Fiora's message in DXLD 4-116. 19010 with R. Free Afghanistan has been heard at 0940 fair, but not signal level on R75 // 17685 good as per March 30 DXLD. Both clear. Mostly talks, heard again 1038. Again heard on 3 Aug from 0400 (Zacharias Liangas, Greece, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ALBANIA. New 100 kW transmitter, NOT HEARD today. Did somebody notice of the new 100 kW Shijak transmitters today? Nothing heard from ALB on 6100 or 7210 kHz. Only noted the usual 50 kW unit at Cerrik- Durrës today. 7240 Italian, 9520 English and French, 1800-1930 UT. The latter one with S=1-2 only, and extremely disturbed by 600 kW CRI-CHN unit on 9525, and Kimje-Korea on 9515 kHz. So will have a look on the remaining schedule: 7270 2300 0330 7,8 SHI 100 300 217 1234567 ALBANIAN 6100 1800 1830 28SW SHI 100 ND 925 123456 ITALIAN 6135 2115 2130 28SE SHI 100 ND 925 123456 SER/CRO 7130 2130 2200 27 SHI 100 310 146 123456 ENGLISH 7185 1730 1800 28 SHI 100 350 141 123456 GERMAN 7210 1845 1900 27 SHI 100 310 146 123456 ENGLISH 7210 1900 1930 27 SHI 100 310 146 123456 FRENCH (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, Aug 5, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) [Later:] Noted more R Tirana single frequency outlets tonight: 7130 2130-2200 27 CER 50 310 216 123456 ENGLISH ended at 2200:43 7295 2115-2130 28 CER 50 ND 925 123456 SER/CRO instead of 6135/7110 7295 2130-2200 28 CER 100 350 141 1234567 ALB instead of 2030-2200. Somewhat different to registered A04 schedule (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, UT Aug 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ANDORRA [non]. 2004, le retour de Radio Andorre... Après plus de 22 ans dans la nuit du silence, Radio Andorre va-t-elle à nouveau émettre sur l'Europe? La lumière va renaître au coeur de l'obscurité, pour raviver la tradition de la radio et éclairer l'avenir. Emissions-tests en AM depuis un territoire périphérique. Emissions en AM 702 kHz les 16, 17, et 18 Juin 2004 de 16h00 à 22h30 GMT (600 kW) et de 22h30 à 0h00 GMT (300 kW). (from http://www.radioandorre.com via Nolan Stephany and Jim Renfrew, NRC IDXD Aug 6 via DXLD) Slightly too late, but I assume the ``peripheral territory`` referred to be France, the 300 kW Col de la Madonne transmitter no longer used by Rai-2, Italy. So did anyone actually hear these tests on the dates specified? (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ANTARCTICA. Noticia de LRA 36 Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel Según me comunican de esta emisora, desde Base Esperanza, Antártida Argentina, LRA36 tiene nuevo equipo de personal desde el día [primero?] Enero de 2004, estando integrado de la siguiente forma: Director D. Nestor Arguello; Operador, D. Mario Gallardo; Locución y Programación: Dña. Silvia Cabrera, Dña. Yolanda Sotomayor y Dña. Gabriela Santiano. Transmiten habitualmente desde las 18 hasta las 21 UT por 15476 kHz. El programa "63º Latitud Sur". Hay días que no pueden estar en el aire, debido a inclemencias meteorológicas, como desde hace unos días que, por motivos de seguridad, debido a intensos temporales y vientos de hasta 90 nudos no se pueden desplazar por la base. El personal de la emisora se compromete a confirmar los informes de recepción que se envíen por carta y sólo por carta "snail mail" debiendo adjuntar con dicho informe un Cupon de Respuesta Internacional (obligatorio) para ayuda de los gastos de correo. La confirmación es a través de carta, con sello de Base Esperanza e incluso envían una tarjeta de recuerdo de la Base. Los informes deberán enviarse a la siguiente dirección: LRA36 Radio Nacional "Arcángel San Gabriel" Base Esperanza Antártida Argentina 9411, República Argentina (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, España, Aug 6, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AVES ISLAND. 14195, YV0D, 1505, 2 Aug; not SWBC, but a new radio country for me thanks to this HRO expedition. Located In Caribbean Sea about 550 km north of Venezuela. An amazingly small island measuring 150 meters x 30 meters. Considered one of the top 10 most needed radio countries by HROs (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines IA, Cumbre DX via DXLD) YV0D DXPEDITION QRT. Yes QRT! This is a big disappointment for DXers as well as the YV0D team. This rare one (in the top 10 most wanted DXCC entities) had to go QRT a few days early due to bad weather heading toward Aves Island. YV0D went silent August 4th at 1045z. Despite the short operation, YV0D logged some 18,500 QSOs -- including a number of 6-meter QSOs during an opening -- in around 59 hours of operation, according to The Daily DX http://www.dailydx.com The QSL Manager for this DXpedition is KB6NAN: Dianna Killeen, POB 911, Pescadero, CA 94060-0911. Please include a SASE (U.S. stations) or a SAE and the appropriate return postage (non-US stations) with QSLs. They will also accept cards via the bureau. The YV0D team expects to upload its logs to ARRL's "Logbook of the World" (LoTW) at: http://www.arrl.org/lotw (KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 Aug 9 via Dave Raycroft, ODXA via DXLD) ** BELARUS. Re: ``Why do you specify DSB? Do you mean DSB with reduced or suppressed carrier?`` --- I have not followed these broadcast relays via military communications transmitters for a while, but at least years ago they indeed were in LSB and USB with suppressed carrier, or in other words, ISB with same audio on both sidebands (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Aug 4, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BOLIVIA. 6585.39, R. Nueva Esperanza (presumed), 0923 7 August. Preaching by M mixed with religious music. 0928 booming religious choral music. Into another softer religious instrumental song at 0929, then brief talk by same M over W vocal religious song. Preaching was impassioned, almost shouting at times. Language sounded like a Spanish vernacular hybrid. Faded too much after 0950. Good enough to ID (Dave Valko, PA, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** BOLIVIA. August 7, 2004: 4764, Radio Chicha at 0035 with OM speaking in heavy echoed Spanish, mentioned Copacabana (The August, 6th is the day in the name of Virgen de Copacabana in Bolivia and the day of the independence). 33233. First time ever! (Hello everyone here in Cumbre once again. That's me, Artiom Prokhorov from Moscow with my latest catches made on Sony ICF7600G and its telescopic antenna in a countryside just in some 70 kms South of Moscow, via DXLD) 4763.31, Radio Chicha (ex Radio & Television Chicha), Tocla, Potosí Dept., 1053-1103, August 08, Spanish/Aymara, sign-on with typical Andean music. At 1100 complete ID by male & female as: "Ésta es Radio Chicha, desde Tocla, provincia Norchichas, en el departamento de Potosí, transmitiendo en 4760 kilociclos, banda de 60 metros y... en frecuencia modulada... Radio Chicha". After, complete ID by male & female in Aymara. Announcement and other ID as: "Así es amigos, ésta es Radio Chicha, haciéndole compañía, nuevamente junto a usted". Local songs. 34433/24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina, BCLNews.it via DXLD) ** BRAZIL. 5055, Rádio Difusora, Cáceres, 1022-1031, August 08, Portuguese. Mix with Radio Jornal A Critica. Local ads: "Agropecuaria...", "...experiência na eletrificação rural...". ID: "Rádio Difusora...", 22432. 5055, Rádio Jornal A Crítica, Manáus, 1022-1031, August 08, Portuguese. Mix with Rádio Difusora. Many different songs in Portuguese. ID at 1024 by male: "R’adio Jornal... bom dia...", 32432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina, BCLNews.it via DXLD) ** BRAZIL. BRASIL – A Rádio Integração, de Cruzeiro do Sul (AC), está fora do ar, atualmente, em 4765 kHz. A informação é de Paulo Roberto e Souza, desde Tefé (AM). Pode ser captada apenas em 720 kHz, em ondas médias. O contato na emissora é Albelia Bezerra da Cunha. Endereço: Rua de Alagoas, 270, Bairro Escola Técnica, CEP: 69980-000, Cruzeiro do Sul (AC). E-mail: rtvi @ omegasul.com.br BRASIL – Até o final do ano, a Rádio Timbira, de São Luís (MA), deve reativar suas freqüências de 4975 e 15215 kHz, em ondas curtas. A informação foi dada, por telefone, pelo diretor da emissora, Raimundo Nonato R. Filho, a Paulo Roberto e Souza, de Tefé (AM). No dia 15 de julho, a Timbira completa 64 anos de atividades. No momento, a emissora pode ser captada apenas em ondas médias, pela freqüência de 1290 kHz, entre 0900 e 0300. Endereço: Avenida Jerônimo de Albuquerque, 73, COHAFUMA, CEP: 65071-750, São Luís (MA). E-mail: radiotimbira.raimundofilho @ bol.com.br BRASIL – Desde Anápolis (GO), Antônio Vieira Sobrinho informa que visitou a Rádio A Voz do Coração Imaculado. Segundo ele, a emissora esteve fora do ar, nos últimos dias, em 4885 kHz, mas já está em pleno funcionamento novamente. Afirma, ainda, que a emissora envia confirmações para os relatórios de recepção recebidos. Endereço: Rua Barão de Cotegipe, s/nº, Centro, Caixa Postal 354, CEP: 75105-970, Anápolis (GO). Na Internet: http://www.immacolata.com/radiovoz BRASIL – Desde Tefé (AM), Paulo Roberto e Souza atualiza informações sobre a Rádio Caiari, que emite em 4785 kHz, entre 0900 e 1400 e das 1900 às 0300, de Porto Velho (RO). O atual contato na emissora é Eudes Júnior. O endereço é o seguinte: Rua das Crianças, 4646, Areal da Floresta, CEP: 78912-210, Porto Velho (RO). Na Internet: http://www.radiocaiari.com.br. E-mail: caiari @ radiocaiari.com.br BRASIL – A emissora brasileira mais obscura das ondas tropicais está operando fora da freqüência nominal: a Rádio Cacique, de Sorocaba (SP), conforme constatação de Ivan Dias Júnior. Ao invés de 2470 kHz, ele ouviu a estação, na própria cidade de Sorocaba, em 5 de agosto, às 2352, pela freqüência de 2370 kHz. Ele acompanhou o clássico futebolístico da cidade: São Bento versus Atlético Sorocaba (Célio Romais, Panorama, @tividade DX Aug 9 via DXLD) ** BURMA [non]. BURMA PROTEST RADIO CONSIDERS IRISH BASE http://breakingnews.iol.ie/news/story.asp?j=113127322&p=yy3yz8xz8 05/08/2004 - 08:23:10 An independent Burmese radio station is considering relocating its broadcasting base to Ireland. The Democratic Voice of Burma, which broadcasts to people inside Burma and to Burmese exiles throughout the world, has been based in Norway since its establishment in 1992. The director of the station is in Dublin this week to discuss the possibility of relocating the base to Ireland. Burma is being ruled by a military junta and the state's media is tightly controlled (via Ulis Fleming, dxldyg via DXLD) WHY move? What`s the real story? (gh, DXLD) ** CANADA. The CBC appears to be testing 98.7 in Toronto. Mono signal, French programming that matches neither the Première Chaîne nor the Chaîne Culturelle networks. It's possible the CBC is testing for a third English network (Radio 3), for which there have been rumours from time to time, or perhaps contemplating a move from 860 to FM. This would be a second adjacent to 99.1, which is also occupied by the CBC. It's also possible this will go nowhere. There were no legal IDs. Nothing even close. Signal very strong from suburbs to downtown (Saul Chernos, Ont., Aug 4, ODXA via DXLD) I am listening to it now. It's a new part of Radio Chaîne and there is a number to call (which I missed) to report interference problems. The signal is exceedingly strong. They are playing some nice folksy- quebecois pop which even I can understand. Good find, Saul! Can get it fine on my Tivoli, not well at all on an old Analog Pioneer Tuner. The details of the station are as follows. It is a new Première Radio Chaîne station with call letters CJBC that is currently under testing. If you have reception problems, you are asked to call, 416-205-8854. If called, you get a message in French and English and a voice mail box asking for a reception report and your phone number. More fun that 106.7 --- I can tell you that (Jeff Rabin, ibid.) Excellent! Maybe they'll get off 860 and open it up for MW DXing. I have my fingers crossed! 73 - (Ken VE3HLS, ibid.) Yeah, at least until they plant a commercial talk, religious or country music station there. :-) (John Figliozzi, Half Moon, NY, ibid.) 860 is a valuable (???) Canadian ``clear`` channel and the best/only opportunity to hear French on MW in the Atlantic Northeast. There is already a CBC ``Radio`` 3, on the web only (gh, DXLD) I'm hearing from a DXer who contacted them that CBC wants 98.7 to cover the downtown core, sheer it claims signal loss. So there could be BOTH 860 and 98.7 (Saul Chernos, ODXA via DXLD) By the way, if you call the phone number they give to report the interference the English version of the phone message refers to the station as CBJC, rather than CJBC. Now that they have decided that 860 is not good enough to cover downtown Toronto, I would imagine it is only a matter of time before they start testing things like 106.7 for the hole in their coverage in downtown Richmond Hill, or 102.5 for downtown Uxbridge. :-( 73 (Niel Wolfish, ibid.) ** CANADA. See UK re CBC audio archive rights, music deleted ** CANADA. Prince Edward County Antenna Farm? A friend spotted a huge antenna farm in Prince Edward County that had all the markings of Military. Can anyone shed any light on what he might have seen? (Jeff Rabin, ODXA via DXLD) Yup, they belong to CFB Trenton and they're used for HF communication with military aircraft. There are actually two sites. Let me see if I can get this right --- one site is in a place called Carrying Place and is the manned receiving site. The other site is down at Point Pitre, the far southern tip of Prince Edward County and is the unmanned transmitting site. It's almost identical to the receiving site. The two sites are linked by a microwave system. We had a tour of the place years ago when the ODXA convention was in Kingston, ON. Very impressive stuff! 73 - (Ken, VE3HLS, ibid.) I drove by the Carrying Place receiver site a few weeks ago on the way to Kingston. I got out camera in hand and made like I was walking the dog all the while snapping pictures of the antennas. Suddenly I heard a voice questioning what I was doing --- I was on camera somewhere. When I told the chap, I was just interested in radio, he didn't seem to mind the pictures. It is part of MACS, Military Aeronautical Communications Site, I believe. I think they keep in touch by HF with military aircraft around the world. Impressive T shaped antennas dot the site. They can be seen on the web at http://www.milspec.ca/macs/macs-trenton.html I wasn't aware of the separate transmitter site, but it too is shown on this web page (Jeff VA3QSL Richardson, ibid.) ** CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC [non]. cland? 15470, HDL, R. Ndeke Luka sign on 1827 starting program on 1830 with many audio problems or possibly from the stream. ID in French and program in local language mixed with music. Local news at 1835, S20, 54444 (Zacharias Liangas, August 3rd, THS Greece, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. 6185, China Huayi Broadcasting Co., announced as the last program in the English-language series "Bi-Lingual Bridge" at 1140- 1150 Jul 31, then back to all CH. ID 1200, more talk. Very good, not heard on 4830 (Jerry Berg, visiting Kaneohe, Oahu, HI, NASWA Flashsheet Aug 8 via DXLD) ** CHINA. CRI at 0700 --- Today at 0655 CRI English on 13620 and 15350 were synchronized, while 17490 had a moderately different delay. A few days ago 13620 and 17490 were synchronized. Between 0658 and 0700 17490 was a real mess with two transmitters both carrying CRI English but with a long delay between them. Both signals were about equally strong. A possible situation may be that Urumqi moved here after closing on 17720/15245. The unclean, wolly audio on 17490 after 0700 points in that direction. A similar change may have been made on 17650 at 0700, as this one now also has distorted and muffled audio. 15350 went on in English after 0700 with strong VOT interference. The 15350 audio was very much ahead of 17490 after 0700. In general CRI reception on 17490 has been unsatisfactory at my location. The normal signal is too weak for easy listening and there is often splash from one side or the other. 17650 is better or much better, so it is a pity that they decided to use this one for French and Chinese. The (apparent) change to Urumqi on at least 17490 may improve the normal signal. 73s (Olle Alm, Sweden, Aug 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COLOMBIA. Quito 4/8 2004 Wednesday evening edition: Recording of LV de La Resistencia -- 10th of June I reported a reactivation of FARC`s radio station LV de La Resistencia with audioclip. Was active just a few days. Tuesday night they were on air again and this Wednesday evening I made a new recording. Strong but distorted signal. Comments and recordings at: http://www.malm-ecuador.com 73s (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Viz.: QTH "west Colombia" and close down 2320 UT. The DJ said they will be on air also Thursday at 2230 UT. No jammer this time but after reading "Voces de América Latina" the police/military will start the jamming Thursday. 73s Bjorn Malm Voz de la Resistencia: 6239.82, QTH "west Colombia" 150 kb. 2310 UT Henrik Klemetz: "Per their own announcement, Voz de la Resistencia, not ``La Voz de la Resistencia``, say they broadcast ``desde las montañas del Occidente colombia``, i.e. from the mountains in Western Colombia. Nine soldiers were killed in an ambush the other day in this region. And now they are planning for more ``candela`` (fire) to mark the 7th of August which is the date when President Álvaro Uribe took over two years ago. Uribe has the support of some 70% of the Colombian population". (via Björn Malm`s site via DXLD) Sounds to me like they are saying, precisely, ``que emite desde la montaña del occidente colombiano``, possibly ``las montañas`` with the plurals swallowed (gh, DXLD) 6120v a 6130 khz, Voz de la Resistencia. Ampliando la información de B. Malm, efectivamente esta emisora clandestina se encuentra activa regularmente (aunque no todo los días) desde junio pasado; ahora en un horario de 2230 a 2330 aproximadamente. El transmisor genera una señal espúrea que se escucha también alrededor de los 6120 a 6130 kHz [entonces, por favor citar la frecuencia fundamental, 62XX? --- gh]; iniciando con música o proclamas hacia las 2220. Cabe anotar que estas proclamas recuerdan los inicios de Radio Rebelde, Cuba; curiosamente la voz tiene un fuerte acento de este pais en otras ocasiones con una melodia a modo de "jingle" de Voz de la Resistencia. Es corriente que cada año cuando se acercan las fechas patrias: 20 de Julio, Dia de la Independencia al 7 de Agosto, Batalla de Boyacá (con la cual se selló la independencia); prendan esta emisora para enviar mensajes antigobiernistas ya que cada 7 de agosto se cumple una año mas del gobierno de turno. Algunas veces sufre una interferencia deliberada por el ejercito. Como mencionan, es operada por el Comando Conjunto de Occidente, que opera en los departamentos de Cauca, Valle del Cauca y Nariño; aunque otros frentes operan más estaciones en FM y hace algún tiempo pude escuchar en OC una del Bloque Oriental en 6260 KHz y el colega Adán González a través de Glenn Hauser ha reportado transmisiones del Bloque Caribe en 10 MHz (Rafael Rodriguez, Colombia; en Lista ConDig, 5 Agosto via Conexión Digital Aug 7 via DXLD) v. IRAN ** CONGO DR. Re 4-118, Sud-Kivu: Could it be that the reported ``10 kW shortwave transmitter`` is in fact for what in German is called Ultrakurzwelle, i.e. FM? The mentioned range of 100 km would match a 10 kW FM transmitter with a reasonable antenna system (sufficient height above ground and enough gain to produce some 80 to 100 kW of ERP). (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Aug 4, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I fear you may be correct; this confusion of FM and SW (UKW & KW) is a continuing exasperating problem, even extending back to the Dewey Decimal System (gh, DXLD) ** COSTA RICA. VISTA August 2004 --- In this edition: An update on RFPI`s new Internet Radio broadcast RFPI pioneered global community radio in the 1980`s with our shortwave radio broadcast from Costa Rica, covering peace, social justice and environmental concerns. By the mid-90`s, the station had demonstrated to several NGO`s the possibility of transmitting radio programming over the Internet. In February we returned to internet broadcasting at a basic level during which time the staff concentrated on establishing a state-of-the-art internet broadcasting service as well as a new web site. Over the past three months the bulk of this project has been completed and with your help this project will be operational in the coming weeks. To find out just what this means for our listeners, we caught up with Jeffery Rodgers of StreamReel http://www.streamreel.com a leading provider of Internet audio streaming technology who was at work on RFPI`s bank of computers nestled in RFPI`s San José, Costa Rica offices and asked him that question: Jeffery: ``With the completion of the new service by replacing the current QuickTime format with the new global standard, MP4, and the addition of a separate MP3 audio broadcast, RFPI`s listeners will have multiple options to listen to the programming. Also being added is a scrolling RSS text news service and an ``RFPI on-line community chat`` where listeners can interact with each other and talk to the station`s staff as well as its radio producers.`` We then asked RFPI`s General Manager James Latham just what this new capacity would bring to the station: James: ``The new system will enable us to better serve our listeners and to rapidly expand the numbers of listeners in the digitally connected parts of the world. With respect to those who are not connected to the Internet, this system will also benefit in that we will now have the ability to send our program audio to shortwave transmitters located elsewhere on the planet. This ability to transmit from anywhere there is a high speed internet connection that can feed audio to transmitters will allow us to utilize more then one location for our transmitters, and that is what is being planned for RFPI`s next phase - the return to shortwave broadcasting. When this is completed, both sides of the digital divide will be served.`` In the next issue: RFPI`s General Manager joins peace delegation to Libya RFPI/Pacifica: a joint shortwave project in the works? Return to shortwave broadcasting in Costa Rica The next issue of Vista On-Line due out August 15 Your help is urgently needed. Please donate what you can. Below are some suggested levels of support along with premiums being offered: $35: numbered membership certificate suitable for framing $50: CD audio set of the history of RFPI $55: RFPI logo T-shirt $100 or more: RFPI logo T-shirt and CD When ordering T-shirts, please indicate size. When ordering CD`s, please indicate standard audio CD or MP3 format. All donations are appreciated. How to order: Send checks to: RFPI Membership, P.O. 3165, Newberg, Oregon 97132-5165, USA Or go to our web site, click on the PayPal icon on the front page and follow the instructions. You can find a station program guide on our web site: http://www.rfpi.org We invite you to listen to RFPI`s webcast. Just click on the listen button on the front page. RFPI General Manager: James Latham info @ rfpi.org English Program Director: Adriane Latham info @ rfpi.org U.S. Office Manager: Joe Bernard (joey_bernard @ hotmail.com Vista On-Line Editor: Victoria Vargas info @ rfpi.org http://www.rfpi.org (VISTA August via DXLD) ** COSTA RICA [and non]. Dr. Gene Scott celebrates his 75th birthday on Aug 15 (Christer Brunström, Christian DX Report, HCJB DX Partyline Aug 8, notes by gh for DX LISTENING DIGEST) CB went on to profile Brother Stair, not a word about his cult`s legal problems! (gh, DXLD) ** DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Hola Glenn, Saludos desde Catia La Mar, VENEZUELA. Radio Pueblo ha sido sintonizada de nuevo, luego de varios meses fuera del aire. Al menos en Venezuela no se podía captar. Oída el 07/08, a las 2244 UT, con SINPO 3/2. Frecuencia: 5009.74 kHz. Transmitía bachata, merengue y había un locutor de guardia. Un poco sobremodulada (Adán González, VENEZUELA, Aug 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EUROPE. Radio Spaceman, la pirata holandesa, me ha enviado una fantástica QSL de un reporte mío de finales de Diciembre. Apenas pude mandar el informe el 28 de junio y obtuve respuesta el día 06/08. 39 días. Es la respuesta más rápida que he tenido de una emisora. También vino adjunta una carta personal en la cual se me recomienda no enviar NUNCA cartas certificadas a estaciones piratas. De verdad que no me había percatado de ese detalle. Vaya el consejo para los demás colegas caza-QSLs-piratas. 73s y buen DX (Adán González, VENEZUELA, Aug 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EUROPE. PIRATE, 15069.63, ALI, 2242 Dance music. Weak and fady. Per George Maroti tip, heard on 6266.11 later at 0015. Weak audio there. Alfred heard at 0034. Gone at 0045 recheck, 6-7 August (Dave Valko, PA, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** FRANCE. R. Superloustic, 675 kHz, transmitter in Marseille: has started 8 August to broadcast to the south coast of France and the Mediterranean area, good signals at evening even in Malta, first reported by Peter Zerafa, over/under the Libyan on 675 kHz. Very strong in Milano after 1900 hours, noted on 9 August by Giampiero Bernardini & Dario Monferini. Don't believe it is yet full power 1000 kW, but surely 1/4 power cause strong as 1350 kHz Radio Orient from Nice France 300 kW listed. Reports to: Superloustic, 52 Boulevard de la Republique, FR-93190 Livry Gargan, France or: Boîte Postale 32, FR-75462 Paris Cedex 10, France (informations from Christian Ghibaudo) WEB http://www.superloustic.net Email : Denys Didelon ddidelon @ superloustic.net Claude Wargnier cwargnier @ superloustic.net Joël Pons jpons @ superloustic.net (Dario Monferini, PLAYDX ITALY, Aug 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GEORGIA. (Abkhazia). Re DXLD 4118: I erroneously wrote that "Apsua" means "Abkhazia" in Abkhaz: what it means is the adjective "Abkhaz" (the noun "Abkhazia" would be "Apsny"), thus the reported ID "Apsua Radio" means "Abkhaz Radio" (the equivalent ID in Russian which also often is heard is "Abkhazkoye Radio"). Btw, the town Soxum (this is the Georgian spelling) is called "Aqwa" in Abkhaz (Bernd Trutena, Lithuania, Aug 4, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY. One Log via Sporadic E --- 35100, D, The Overcomer, Jülich, (2 x 17550), 1834 UT 4/8/04 (confirmed by Paul Logan on his Icom R7000) Good Peaks & Deep fades (Tim Bucknall, Congleton, NW England, Uniden UBC9000xlt + HS publications VF 500 ant (above 30 MHz), harmonics yg via DXLD) Hi Tim, I did forward your observation to three guys in duty at DTK Deutsche Telekom T-systems on Juelich site. Mr. Guenter Hirte, DL2QC, managing director of Juelich site told me in an e-mail this morning: that the Overcomer transmission transferred to Wertachtal site, using power of 250 kW, effective since August 3rd. The T-system colleague at Wertachtal has been informed now on this matter. 73 (Wolfgang Büschel, Aug 6, ibid.) ** GERMANY. Re 4-118: ``V/s: Ralf Welf [sic; I think it`s Weil]`` --- Almost: Ralf Weyl, the one who also sends out the regularly quoted/ reproduced transmission schedules. And while were at it: ``DTK`` is only the designation used for Deutsche Telekom in the HFCC's three letter system, it is as much an actual company abbreviation as ``DWL`` for Deutsche Welle and of course absolutely unknown outside the shortwave scene. The abbreviation for Deutsche Telekom is DTAG (AG = Aktiengesellschaft, i.e. joint-stock company), but meanwhile the various subsidiaries present themselves under their own names; T-Com for the telcom business, T-Mobile for cellphone services, T-Online as Internet provider and T-Systems mainly for the IT business but also solutions for broadcasting, including transmission --- see http://www.t-systems.com (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Aug 4, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GREECE. PROGRAM SCHEDULES OF VOICE OF GREECE IN ENGLISH YET! Dear Glenn: I put in "era5 frequencies" into the Google search engine and the #1 item listed is: http://www.ert.gr/radio/channel.asp?id=19-41k Click on that web site and look at the bottom left column: * Daily program schedule * Saturday program schedule * Sunday program schedule * Foreign language schedule So, I Printed out 3 pages each of the first 3 items; I could get only the top half of the foreign language schedule. Everything is in English, programs and frequencies. The program times are in Greece time, so subtract 3 hours to get UT. When I sent VOG my translations of their schedule from the Greek language into English, they sent me their English version several months later. Seems as though I did fairly well on the translations! Regards, (John Babbis, Silver Spring, MD, Aug 6, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hello PC Dxers! On August 13, will begin Olympic Games Athens 2004 in Greece. For those of you who are interested in the sport event, the link of a web page with SW-frequencies of ERA 5 - The Voice of Greece is: http://www.ert.gr/radio/program/VofG/Foreign_Language_Program_Schedule.zip Enjoy whatever you are listening! 73's (Nino Marabello, Treviso (Italy), Aug 6, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUIANA FRENCH [and non]. Jacques [Gruson] and me were on holidays, I return to work yesterday 03/08, sorry for the delay. Many thanks for your remark, you will find the next explanation: During all the month of July, the frequency 21645 kHz from 2100 to 2130 TU has been broadcasted from Issoudun (France) instead of Montsinery (French Guiana) because the transmitter located in Montsinery was break down. For a few days, the situation is become normal again, the frequency 21645 kHz from 2100 to 2130 TU is broadcasted from Montsinéry. Best regards, Annick Daronian, TDF - Division Radio, Service Ondes Courtes tel: 33 1 55 95 13 71 fax: 33 5 55 95 21 37 annick.daronian @ tdf.fr (Aug 4, via George J. Poppin, CA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INTERNATIONAL INTERNET. NET SURFERS WITHOUT FRONTIERS Chaville, France (PRWEB via PR Web Direct) August 6, 2004 --- We are proud to announce the birth of the civilian association called ``Internautes sans Frontières`` (``Net surfers without frontiers``), having achieved the main objective which is the creation of the first world wide civilian emergency network via the internet. Internautes sans Frontières was created in France during April 2004 , and is registered accordingly with the law 1901 of civilian associations of the French Republic under the number 22014707. The profile and spirit of the association is following the work of the ``Radio Hams,`` which where spontaneously linking their radio signals in a real ``world wide radio bridges`` lending help and crossing hands from one side to another of the entire planet, solving communications problems in cases of search of medicines, missed people, blood, serum, vaccines, special medical treatments, major catastrophes or helping in any situation in where a danger of life was present. With the help of the Internet, ``Internautes sans Frontières`` presents the world the opportunity to participate in a world wide challenge: To find a simple method to bring the entire world together. . . http://www.prweb.com/releases/2004/8/prweb147604.htm Birth of a bureaucracy (Kim Elliott, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM. Satcom: is it relaying FM BC Harmonics? I've been listening to those "accidental" Satcom rebroadcasts of Latin American FM Stations on 240-270 MHz. Is Satcom receiving harmonics/ spurious emissions/ mixing products or studio transmitter links? I'm currently chasing an unidentified Guatemalan religious station on 268.35 MHz (input is 309.35 MHz). I haven't been able to get an ID but they've announced an FM Frequency of 107.7. There`s a slight bit of side splatter on the input frequency which you can occasionally hear during quiet moments on the signal. Others heard last night are: 254.1 Súper Radio, Colombia (input 307.7) 261.8 UnID Latin American (input 295.4) (3 x 98.5??) 269.65 Smile FM 93.9, Manila (input 310.65) Any thoughts? (Tim Bucknall, Congleton NW England, Uniden UBC9000xlt + HS publications VF 500 ant (above 30 MHz), harmonics yg Aug 6 via DXLD) STLs by far the likeliest explanation. Fascinating stuff --- almost enough to get me into satellite DXing (gh, DXLD) ** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM. FEE SPEECH FOR OPIE, ANTHONY --- Set for XM premium channel --- By DAVID HINCKLEY, DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER Radio bad boys Opie and Anthony are coming back, and they just might be badder than ever. This time, however, they do come at a price for listeners. Starting Oct. 4, the former WNEW afternoon hosts will do a four-hour show each morning on XM Satellite Radio, where there are almost no content restrictions and which is creating a premium channel just for Gregg (Opie) Hughes and Anthony Cumia. . . You can view the entire article at http://www.nydailynews.com/news/gossip/story/219585p-188708c.html (NY Daily News Aug 6 via Don Thornton, NJ, DXLD) ** IRAN. 15530, 8.8 0546, IRIB in Spanish; the female announcer reading the news of today sounds exactly like an announcer at Radio Patria Libre!! The programming of IRIB has a lot of RPL programming, and I have on several earlier occasions "noted" that announcers migrated; for instance one of the announcers at Voz Cristiana was a DJ at Radiodifusora Nacional de Colombia`s youth channel on FM. O=4 HK (Henrik Klemetz, Sweden, SW Bulletin Aug 8, translated by editor Thomas Nilsson for DX LISTENING DIGEST) 15530 KHz. La Voz de la República Islámica de Irán en español, 0535+ UTC, Noticias internacionales, SINPO: 54444 17785 KHz. La Voz de la República Islámica de Irán en español, 0535+ UTC, Noticias internacionales, SINPO: 55544 Muy atentamente, 73´s (José Bueno - Córdoba - España, Aug 4, Noticias DX via DXLD) ** IRAN. Al alam -- Re 4-118: Yes. This channel is in Arabic. There are rotated news on the bottom line in English (Zacharias Liangas, Greece, Aug 4, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hi Glenn, yes, right U R, it's 100% in Arabic network. It was very active during the Anglo/American attack on Iraq and it's aiming at the Arabic audience all over the Middle East. I remember watching it during that time and it was close to the hot spots all over the time due to having their own office in Baghdad. All the best my friend. Yours (Tarek Zeidan, Cairo, Egypt, Aug 4, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRAQ. A new Iraqi TV station! While checking Arabs Sat satellite 26 Degrees East I found a test card for a new Iraqi TV station called Radio Al Forat (Euphrates), one of the main two rivers of Iraq. Here are the details : Satellite: Arabsat 2D at 26'E Frequency: 11661 MHZ Symbol Rate: 27500 FEC: 3/4 Polarity : Vertical They have the following note on website: http://www.alforattv.com Contact us: Email: info @ alforattv.com Tel: 00964-1-7184704 Fax: 00964-1-7195228 I checked the phone and fax numbers and it turned out to be located in Baghdad. All the best (Tarek Zeidan, Cairo, Egypt, Aug 7, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Al-Hurra to Iraq: see USA ** IRAQ. REPUBLIC OF IRAQ RADIO OBSERVED ON ARABSAT SATELLITE | Republic of Iraq Radio from Baghdad (idha'at jumhuriyat al-iraq min baghdad) was observed at 1550 gmt on 2 August broadcasting via the Arabsat 2D satellite, which is located at 25.8 degrees east and covers the Middle East, North Africa and some parts of Europe. The Republic of Iraq Radio broadcasts via the same transponder used by Al-Iraqiyah television. The transponder information is as follows: Frequency: 11115 MHz; polarization: vertical; symbol rate: 2807; FEC: 3/4 At 1600 gmt, the radio carried a newscast that included domestic, world, economic and sports news. Immediately prior to the start of their broadcast at 0600 local time (0200 gmt), the station played their "birdsong" interval signal. This has been described by past editions of World Radio & TV Handbook as the "soft chirps of a mechanical nightingale", and has been in use since before the Saddam era. Then it played the "new" Iraqi national anthem, which is in fact a return to one adopted in the period 1958-1965. It replaces the Saddam- era anthem, "The land of two rivers", which was adopted in 1981 and which survived the execution of composer Shafiq al-Kamali in 1984. He had been overheard referring to Saddam's "illiteracy". Source: BBC Monitoring research 2 Aug 04 (issued 9 Aug, via DXLD) ** IRAQ. TUNED TO THE SOUND OF FREEDOM --- From football phone-ins to consumer complaints, Radio Dijla is flourishing within the constraints of a deeply unstable Iraq. Donald Macintyre reports from Baghdad on a broadcasting phenomenon. . . http://news.independent.co.uk/world/middle_east/story.jsp?story=547682 (via Andy Sennitt, dxldyg via DXLD) ** IRAQ. FLEDGLING BAGHDAD TALK SHOW ELECTRIFIES LISTENERS By ORLY HALPERN From Saturday's Globe and Mail UPDATED AT 1:03 AM EDT Saturday, Aug 7, 2004 Baghdad — Iraq's most famous radio talk-show hosts says that under the Hussein regime, whenever he dared speak about corruption he would be taken out of his studio in the middle of his program and beaten. "Sometimes I accused some ministers and ministries of corruption and bribery," recalls Majed Salim, the 42-year-old bass-toned host. His former boss, Saddam Hussein's son, Uday, was one of the most feared people in the country. "Uday's security would come, shave my head, beat my legs and I would go back into the studio and continue my program." Now he's the host of a phone-in show where callers openly complain about the government and the difficulties of their lives. Welcome to Radio Dijla, the first and only independent talk-show radio station in the Middle East, where everyone from taxi drivers to senior citizens to government officials tune in closely to hear the heart of the people. For 2-1/2 hours every morning, Mr. Salim hosts his favourite program, Service Hours. Usually a couple of government officials are invited to the studio where they attempt to solve the problems of the callers... http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20040806.wiraqr6/BN Print/International/ (via Gerald T. Pollard, DXLD) ** IRAQ. BAGHDAD RADIO STATION VOICE OF IRAQ OBSERVED IN ENGLISH BBC Monitoring today observed Baghdad radio station Voice of Iraq with a news bulletin in English in progress at 1553 hours local time [1153 gmt], finishing at 1555. An announcement following the news stated that the English programme is broadcast daily at 1500-1600 local time [1100-1200 gmt]. Comments and questions were invited, either by mail to their address at P.O.Box 74143, Baghdad, or by phone to [+964-1-] 5210957. Voice of Iraq are on the air daily at 0700-2100 hours local time [0300-1700 gmt] on a mediumwave frequency of 1179 kHz. Operations are supervised by the International Agency for Free Media, according to a report in the Baghdad newspaper Al-Zaman. The station has a web site at http://www.voiraq.com Source: BBC Monitoring research in English 9 Aug 04 (via DXLD) ** IRAQ. KORANIC RADIO STATION IN BAGHDAD IDENTIFIED | A previously unidentified Baghdad radio station observed on 999 kHz mediumwave was today heard identifying as Bilad Radio [Idha'atu al-Bilad], which means "radio of the country". A closing announcement observed at the close of transmission at 1200 gmt stated that the station would be on the air again at 0800 local time [0400 gmt] the following day. This confirms the transmission span as 0800-1600 hours local time [0400- 1200 gmt]. Programming consists of Koranic recitations. No news or other factual programming has been observed. Source: BBC Monitoring research in English 9 Aug 04 (via DXLD) ** IRAQ. TRANSMISSION TIMES FOR RADIO STATIONS IN BAGHDAD A survey of transmission times for radio stations in the Baghdad area was undertaken by BBC Monitoring on 8 and 9 August 2004. All times in the list below are in Greenwich Mean Time; add four hours for Baghdad local time. 999 kHz Bilad Radio 0400-1200 1053 kHz Al-Salam Radio 0600-1600 1152 kHz Dar al-Salam Radio 0400-1700 1179 kHz Voice of Iraq 0300-1700 1305 kHz Radio Al-Mustaqbal 0400-1600 89.5 MHz Radio Dijla 0400-2300 92.0 MHz Al-Salam Radio 0600-1600 94.8 MHz IMN-Radio Diyala, Baquba 0300-2000 95.5 MHz Radio Al-Mustaqbal 0400-1600 97.5 MHz Freedom Radio 0400-1900 98.3 MHz Republic of Iraq Radio 0000-2400 99.4 MHz Ashur Radio 0530-1600 101.2 MHz Shafaq Radio 1300-1600 Shafaq Radio 0500-0800 (repeat) 104.1 MHz Hot FM 0000-2400 The following foreign-owned radio stations are on the air 24 hours a day in Baghdad: American Forces Network, BBC World Service, British Forces Broadcasting Service, MBC, Radio France International, Radio Free Iraq/Voice of America, Radio Sawa, Radio Monte Carlo-Middle East. Source: BBC Monitoring research, in English 1340 gmt 10 Aug 04 (via DXLD) ** IRAQ, WEB SITE FOR BROADCAST MEDIA REGULATOR --- The Iraqi Communications and Media Commission, the broadcasting regulatory authority, has a web site in Arabic and English at http://www.iraqicmc.org Content includes an explanation of the broadcast licensing process, instructions on how to apply for a licence, a Frequently Asked Questions section, and a list of licence applications. Source: BBC Monitoring research in English 9 Aug 2004 (via DXLD) ** IRAQ. YI9. Marek, SP2OVN, informs OPDX that Ryszard, SP8HKT, is operating as YI9KT (as of July 25th) and will be there for 5 months. He uses 100 watts into a vertical antenna and is expected to be active on 40-10 meters plus the WARC bands, mostly CW but also SSB if you ask. Marel states that you can search for him between 0730-930z and 1630-2030z, usually on the first 15 kHz of each band. Over the past week, OPDX spotted Ryszard on 40m around 1753z, 30m around 1731z, 20m around 1948z, 17m between 1300-1430z and again between 1845-2030z, and on 10m after 0930z. QSL via the bureau or direct to his home callsign (OPDX Aug 9 via Dave Raycroft, ODCA via DXLD) ** ISRAEL. Cambios en Kol Israel --- Saludos desde el Club S500 para todos los amigos diexistas. La Voz de Israel anuncia cambios en sus emisiones en español, según la emisión captada el 1/08/2004 desde la Sierra Calderona en Valencia, son los siguientes: A partir de 8 de agosto la emisión habitual de 10 minutos en onda corta de las 10:20 a las 10:30 UTC pasan a ser retransmitidas por Radio Recta, en los siguientes horarios y frecuencias: 20:15 - 20:30 hora local (3 horas menos UTC) FM 94,4 ; 93,7 ; 88,2 ; 102,3 ; 107,3 Mhz. AM 954 y 1574 KHz. Las emisiones de las 19:45 - 20:00 UTC continuan sin cambios. Un saludo desde el Mediterráneo. Notici@sDX es un servicio de AER y ADXB (Julio Martínez, Spain?, Aug 3, Noticias DX via DXLD) BUT! --- As previously mentioned, the English Kol Israel network changed has been postponed: http://bet.iba.org.il/index.asp?classto=betLanguage&lang=23 "Radio changes delayed --- The Kol Israel radio English language move to another frequency and to a different time schedule has been delayed until further notice. 05.08.2004 15:16 (Doni Rosenzweig, Aug 5, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Ref. to WoR and DXLD: As of August 10 Israel still uses its 'old' schedule of their English (and French) broadcasts. Heard here in Copenhagen last night + today: 0400 - 11590, 15640 1010 - 15640, 17535 1700 - 9435, 15640, 17535 1900 - 15615, 15640, 17535 Kind Regards, (Erik Køie, DK-2840 Holte, Denmark, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ISRAEL. Re DXLD #4-118: For years, I've wondered why radio pirates have been accused of (and have been guilty of, I suppose, in some instances) interfering with aeronautical communications. Is it just that their transmitters are so badly designed or poorly built that they splatter harmonics all over the VHF spectrum? If that is the case, why on Earth are these Israeli pirate or non-conforming stations so sloppily constructed and run? Israel is a technologically advanced country with an electronics industry rivalling any other on the planet. One would think that technical expertise and state-of-the-art equipment would be easily available and that these stations would be excellent in design and function, causing no such interference. One possible reason that they are badly made and operated might be that they are the product of sects that are essentially anti- technological, and that the people making and running these stations are doing it for overwhelmingly political and religious motivations, feeling forced into doing this despite having no (or minimal) technical knowledge and, essentially, using the tools of the enemy and fighting on his turf despite their incompetence in the field. Could this be true? Or is this speculation unjustified? But I do get the impression that these Israeli stations are far more serious a matter than the usual "playing with radio" that domestic US and many European pirate-radio operations are; run, in many cases, by kids fooling around without many technical skills. 73, (Will Martin, MO, Aug 5, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I can`t speak with certainty in the case of Israel but ``interfering with aero communications`` is an all-too-common excuse for busting pirates in many countries, whether it is true or not (gh, DXLD) ** JAPAN. NHK Domestic / Sino-Japanese Soccer Tensions --- Hi Glenn, I took my portable radio on a little hike today and found something of marginal interest. From atop the hills along the border of Osaka & Wakayama prefectures, I tuned in to 6005 kHz, USB at about 0259:50 UTC and caught a rarely- heard (by me anyway) local ID, "J-O-C-K, NHK Nagoya." At 0300 UT (noon, JST) the national news began with a Foreign Ministry warning to Japanese in China not to get involved in any confrontations with Chinese soccer fans and not to wear the Japanese national soccer team uniform in public. Also mentioned that there was a 2-hour stand-off between Chinese soccer fans, upset by their team's loss to Japan in the Asian Cup final, and Beijing police, trapping Japanese fans in the stadium during that time. The announcer continued that "there are no reports of any injuries to the Japanese fans." I tuned up to 6130 USB and heard the same newscast at weaker strength coming from Fukuoka in Kyuushu. Nagoya = strong, Fukuoka = fair. [Commentary] Interesting to watch all of this over the past week as a long-term foreign resident of Japan. Whereas some of the Chinese fans displayed ignorant behavior towards the Japanese national anthem and Japanese people in general, the Japanese media has done its usual self-censorship act. It has refrained from any self-criticism beyond saying the actions of the Chinese fans are the result of vicious fighting during the Sino-Japanese War of the 1930's. No mention was specifically made about the invasion and annexation of Manchuria nor details of the "Rape of Nanking" in 1937. One "China expert" made the point that in China, sports and Nationalism are closely tied together -- without any information of the prior-stated historical facts. Another blamed the tensions on China's "anti-Japanese education content." It seems to me that both sides are trying to "play the victim". I will give Japan credit for one thing. At domestic sports events, the national anthem is not played prior to the games. I always respected this because I have always felt, whether I'm in the USA, Canada, Japan or wherever, I attend a sports event to watch the "silly ball games" - - not to engage in a political statement of my loyalty to a flag or ideology (Ralph Famularo, Osaka, Japan, Aug 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KASHMIR [non]. 5102, CLANDESTINE (Jammu & Kashmir). Voice of Jammu & Kashmir Freedom (believed via Pakistan), fair at best at *1300 but usually much better by 1400 when they have EG news. On Jul 23 heard a talk about India-Pakistan, ending at 1407 with "And that is the end of today's bulletin," brief vocal music, then talk in language at 1410. Some light CODAR-sounding QRM (!) but VJKF easily on top; singing 1417, more talk, "Salaam Aleikem" 1424, talk, prayer 1419, spirited group singing, 1431*. -- Also good at 1400 Jul 26 when introducing English program "Kashmir Panorama," which is apparently the name of the English news program, or at least the program they were carrying that day. News reader was strong and clear, introducing announcer was harder to understand (Jerry Berg, visiting Kapalua, Maui, HI, NASWA Flashsheet Aug 8 via DXLD) ** LATVIA. OFFSHORE MUSIC RADIO MARKS MARINE OFFENCES ACT DAY Offshore Music Radio, the leading global internet radio station, is proud to announce it will be commemorating the passing of the MOA on August 14 with a special simulcast on Shortwave. In addition to a special day of programming from Offshore Music Radio via broadband, dial-up streaming and Live 365 on [Saturday] 14 August 2004; the station will also be available across continental Europe via 9290 kHz. 9290 in Latvia is operated and marketed by KREBS TV, Riga. David Laine, joint founder of Offshore Music Radio, said: "We are very pleased to have secured this unique short-wave outlet for 14th August. With this facility we'll truly be able to re-create the portable offshore sound of the 60's for listeners across Europe, even when they're walking to the shop - just as it was in 1967". Offshore Music Radio is based in the UK and now offers both Live365, Hi-Fi Broadband and dial-up listening options. Launched in early 2004, the station is already attracting listeners from a truly global listener base. In the last 30 days the OMR audience has spanned the U.K., U.S.A., Holland, Belgium, Germany, France, Canada, Japan, Norway, Denmark, Mexico, Australia, Czech Republic, Finland, Israel, Brazil, China, Sweden, Spain, Peru, Malawi, Austria, Ireland, New Zealand, Dominican Republic, Chile, Bahrain, Switzerland, U.A.E., Thailand, Turkey, South Africa, Venezuela, Colombia, Korea, Argentina, Aruba, Pakistan, Hong Kong, Bulgaria, Egypt, Uruguay, Poland, Romania, Italy, Malta, Bolivia, Slovak Republic and the Philippines. - Listen live via http://www.offshoremusicradio.com - Programme details via http://www.offshoremusicradio.com For More Information: Lyn Laine: studio @ offshoremusicradio.com Direct: +44 (0) 1709 867 092 Skype Internet telephone: offshoremusicradio (Eric Wiltsher, Aug 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) We've managed to get a short wave station in Latvia to agree to re- broadcast 6 hours of our station from 1500 to 2100 UK time [1400-2000 UT] on Saturday, August 14th (Andy Cadier, BDXC-UK via DXLD) This week Euronet Radio is running its trial internet service - You may listen by clicking the link on the frontpage of our website: http://www.euronetradio.com This trial is in preparation for the launch of our full service later this year via the internet and Eutelsat 13 degrees (via Mike Terry, DXLD) This is not exactly "their" frequency. Even though the website may try to give a different impression, the sole license owner in Latvia for transmissions on 9290 is KREBS TV in Riga. Euronetradio is one of the sub-sellers of air time on 9290. Another one is VT Merlin Communications, btw. 73s, Bernd Trutenau, Lithuania, Aug 10, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LIBYA. Hi Glenn, Re: ``Tho there is an existing low powered transmitter in Libya on 1449, Anker Petersen commented that when he was in Malta at the end of October 2003 he did not hear this transmitter at all during his stay. New transmitter or ex-1251?`` Not ex-1251 at least, it is heard as before and //. 73, (Mauno Ritola, Finland, Aug 4, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hallo Glenn, On the 3rd of August the Dutch transmitter Hulsberg was off the air for maintenance on 1251 kHz. I heard Libya with French news at 2210 UT, followed by an Arabic ID at 2214 (Max van Arnhem, The Netherlands, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 1449, Voice of Africa now dominates here, well over RAI Uno. Did they increase the power, I wonder? (open_dx - Alexander Mak, Lutsk, Ukraine, via Signal Aug 8 via DXLD) ** LIBYA. 11180U, Libyan Jamahirya Broadcasting Corporation (tentative), 2140-2200* Aug [?], mix of Arabic language talks by a man and local vocals. No ID noted and presumed off at 2200 when only a tone was heard. Poor (Rich D`Angelo, PA, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) ** MAURITANIA. The following may be of interest to those who can hear Mauritania on 4845 or 783. If you don't get a verie (I've been waiting since 1978 for reception on 4845) maybe the locusts ate your report! :) LOCUSTS EAT FOOTBALL PITCH --- Thu 5 August, 2004 02:12 NOUAKCHOTT (Reuters) - A massive locust swarm swept into the Mauritanian capital Nouakchott, devouring trees, bushes and parts of the city's main soccer pitch, residents say: http://tinyurl.com/3r57u 73 (via Mike Brooker, Toronto, ON, Aug 5, NRC-AM via DXLD) ** MEXICO. Hardly a sign of XERF tonight. Was this 100 kW just a test period? CKMW is dominant tonight. Interesting. Let`s hope it stays this way! A 100 kW Mexican on 1570, we can do without! (Patrick Martin, Seaside OR, Aug 4, NRC-AM via DXLD) XERF did pretty well last night into Florida. Lots of fade, from buried in the mud to very dominant. The co channel hash has really taken its toll on that frequency down here (Jerry Kiefer, Port Orange, FL, ibid.) ** MEXICO [and non]. XESDD-1030, KURS-1040 --- Per an article in today's SD Union-Tribune -- The gospel programming on KURS-1040 is a 2-year lease. WW1 NOS will likely continue on XESDD-1030. Both stations are run from the KURS studios in Chula Vista. It's possible some talk programming (Imus?) from KURS may turn up on XESDD-1030. 73, (Tim Hall, Chula Vista, CA, Aug 5, amfmtvdx at qth.net via DXLD) ** MEXICO. Radio Insurgente --- Intended to be transmitted worldwide by short wave, the broadcast was reportedly jammed by ... by "Pirated CDs." The hour long program of Radio Insurgente: http://chiapas.mediosindependientes.org/display.php3?article_id=105722 (via Mike Terry, DXLD) Refers to events of Aug 8-9, 2003 (gh) ** MONGOLIA. Continues using 4865 and 4895 kHz. Quality on 4865 kHz is worse, and it fades out much earlier in the morning. 4830 kHz remains silent (open_dx - Vladimir Kovalenko, Tomsk, Russia via Signal Aug 8 via DXLD) See movie Legend of the Weeping Camel -- radio & TV angle (gh) ** MYANMAR. 5985, BURMA. "Burma Radio," 1445 Jul 23 opening the "Friday night music at your request" program, pop music -- "Tragedy," "Get Over It," "From This Moment," "Wide open Spaces," "This Is My Life." Also greetings from listeners to others, including many "may God bless you" and "special remembrances." Sounds like they use "Burma" rather than "Myanmar" in IDs, e.g. at 1515 ID as "This is Burma Radio, Yangon . . . the news" and into English news after military-style intro, TC for 9:45 p.m. and ID as "This is Burma Radio, Yangon, here is the news read by . . . First the headlines." Not too strong, and sync sometimes lost lock, but still fairly clear. Economic promo with music in background at 1522, and at 1525 another ID as "You are tuned to Yangon." Big band music followed (Jerry Berg, visiting Kapalua, Maui, HI, NASWA Flashsheet Aug 8 via DXLD) ** NEPAL. 5005, R. Nepal, language and local music to 1415 Jul 25, pips and into English news by lady. Not very strong, but an ID poked through at 1420, "This news comes to you from R. Nepal." WWV/WWVH not a problem. Weather at 1424, main points again, "And that's the end of the news . . ." Went on to give sked with frequencies. Local singing 1425+. Better around 1600 (Jerry Berg, visiting Kapalua, Maui, HI, NASWA Flashsheet Aug 8 via DXLD) ** NEW ZEALAND. 11820 at morning local times (04-07 UTC listed) has been tried many times on 2nd, 3rd but not signal at all, even a trace 9845 at 1748 not audible! August 3rd (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, DX LISTENING DIGEST) That`s because it`s on 9615, reconfirmed Aug 11. The change to 11820 is not until September 6 from 0459, as I tried to make clear in 4-116 (gh, DXLD) ** OKLAHOMA. I was rolling tape just before the apparently reliable time of 1400 UT, on August 9 when KFOR-TV ch 4 OKC flashed their translator ID slide: freeze-framed the hefty 4-second animation, I transcribe the four translators listed: K18BV ch 18 May & Gage K53CI ch 53 Seiling K60ER ch 60 Cherokee & Alva K61CW ch 61 Mooreland & Woodward I have seen K60ER years ago here in Enid. As I mentioned recently, KFOR-TV had NEVER been seen (by me) to run translator IDs in all the time I have been watching it (and predecessor calls WKY-TV, KTVY since 1954). Something seems to have changed recently; perhaps management realized they were not in compliance in IDing translators properly; or the four in question previously ran individual (CW) IDs and no longer do so, thus requiring IDs on the originating channel once(?) a day? And there are certainly many more translators of this station in its fringe areas around the state, but these are the only ones involved here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PAKISTAN. 15100, Radio Pakistan. July 31 at 1559(IS)-1613*. SINPO 25432. IS at 1559, followed by time pips and ID in English at 1600. News in English (NAGATANI Iwao, JAPAN, Japan Premium Aug 6 via DXLD) Is 15100 the transmitter/frequency which upon occasion shows up on 15070? Not to be confused with ALI --- see EUROPE (gh, DXLD) ** PERU. Peru booming in now --- 4965, Radio Santa Mónica, 0945-1001 Aug 9. From 0945 until 0953 noted Huaynos music. At 0953 canned station ID "...Radio Santa Mónica ..." by a man. This followed by a brief promo by a woman then live comments from a man mentioning "Radio Santa Mónica" during same. The signal was good, but during live comments it was rather muffled. Back to music at 0958 (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, 545, Dipole, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 5019.86, Radio Horizonte, 0950-1035 Aug 10. Station signed on at 0950 with NA. This followed with canned ID from a woman and man. Then an introductory prayer by a man. At about 0956, Huaynos music started and continued unabated until 1032 when a man comment live. Signal was good and could pick it up without an antenna practically (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, NRD-545 & Hallicrafters SX100, Dipole, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 4939.98, Radio San Antonio, Villa-Atalaya, Puno, 118 kb. 0000 UT 08/2004. The station is active now. Comments and recordings at: http://www.malm-ecuador.com (Bjorn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, 0224 UT Aug 4, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. Quito 7/8 2004: *** Saturday edition: *** Recording of unID LA on 1609.15 kHz *** Recording of unID LA on 1610.40 kHz Very interesting Saturday morning! 2 unidentified LA stations on the X-band, both probably from Peru. Listen to my recordings and tell me your opinion. 73s Bjorn Malm Unidentified LA (Peru?): 1609.15, "(Radio?) Luz y Vida" 88 kb. 1050 UT 7/8 2004. I´m not 100% sure the name of the station is "Luz y Vida", could also be the name of a "Centro Naturista" for example. The DJ is talking several times about the Peruvian(?) town "Carabamba". Narrow bandwith. Perhaps: El departamento de LA LIBERTAD está constituido por las siguientes provincias: 10.- Provincia de Julcán, cuya capital es Julcán. Sus distritos son: Julcán, Calamarca, Carabamba, Huaso; con una población total de 36,878 hab. Unidentified LA (Peru?): 1610.40, Radio Haquira(?) 157 kb. 1030 UT 7/8 2004. The music sounds like Peruvian(?) music to me and the name of the station sounds like "Radio Haquira(?)". ID: "Radio Haquira(?) contigo para siempre". Perhaps: APURIMAC esta dividido en las siguientes provincias: 5.- Provincia de Cotabambas, cuya capital es Tambobamba. Sus distritos son: Cotabambas, Coyllurqui, Haquira, Mara, Tambobamba; con una población total de 41,332 hab. Quito 8/8 2004: *** Sunday morning edition: *** Recording of Radio Carabamba 1609.15 kHz Radio Carabamba new on the X-band: My unID LA on 1609.15 kHz (see 7/8) is Radio Carabamba, Distrito de Carabamba and is not listed in WRTH. The only "Distrito de Carabamba" listed in "Ventanas Peru" is located in Provincia de Julcánn, Dpto de La Libertad. Listen to a new recording made this Sunday morning. 1609.15, R. Carabamba, Distrito de Carabamba (probably Peru) kb. 1020 UTC 8/8 2004. Info from "Ventanas Peru": El departamento de LA LIBERTAD se encuentra dividido en las siguientes provincias: 10.- Provincia de Julcán, cuya capital es Julcán. Sus distritos son: Julcán, Calamarca, Carabamba, Huaso; con una población total de 36,878 hab. Quito 9/8 2004 *** Monday evening edition *** Comments from Alfredo Cañote Two days ago I reported 2 presumed Peruvian stations on the X-band. One of them on 1610.40 kHz (see 7/8): Radio Haquira(?) perhaps Distrito de Haquira, Provincia de Cotabambas, Dpto de Apurímac. This theory is confirmed by Alfredo Cañote, Peruvian DXer from Chaclacayo. Thanks Alfredo for your comments! 73s Bjorn Malm Cotabambas: Radio Haquira new on the X-band: 1610.40, Radio Haquira, Distrito de Haquira, Prov. de Cotabambas. My recording from 7/8. I have heard the station also the days after 7/8 but with weaker signal. Alfredo Cañote "DxSpaceMaster": "Gracias a la grabación del amigo Björn, investigué un poco --- ya que el locutor hizo un "reclamo" al alcalde "Sr. MODESTO HUAYNA"(SIC) teniendo ese dato, llegué a: (for some unknown reason I can not copy the adress, it does not work in my web-design program "1st Page 2000"/ Bjorn) Así que es: Ciudad: Haquira, Provincia: Cotabambas, Departamento: Apurímac, Perú (Björn Malm, Ecuador, http://www.malm-ecuador.com via DXLD) ** SICILY. Caltanissetta 189 off???? Sembrerebbero cessate le trasmissioni in onda lunga della RAI, il trasmettitore di Caltanissetta è spento già da sabato sera. Ringraziamo Peter Zerafa da Malta che tramite PlayDX ha segnalato per primo lo spegnimento del trasmettitore. Ricordiamo comunque che l'evento era già stato annunciato, seppur senza una scadenza precisa (Roberto Scaglione, Sicily, Aug 9, http://www.bclnews.it via DXLD) ** SIKKIM. 3390, SIKKIM-? Seemingly AIR-Gangtok, apparently alive and well. Heard with poor-fair signal most days, but basically an easy log, e.g. from 1550 Jul 25 with English talk among several men, mentions of India. Pause at 1600, brief announcement by man, then Indian singing, and at 1601+ into animated talking in what sounded like Hindi, perhaps a drama. Indian singing by a woman at 1605, back to the drama at 1606, then signal dropped way down. Per dx_india, this one is supposed to stay on past 1600 on Sundays (which this was). (Jerry Berg, visiting Kapalua, Maui, HI, NASWA Flashsheet Aug 8 via DXLD) ** SOMALIA. 6960, Tent. R. Shabelle. This was audible just about every day after 1500, best around 1600 and shortly thereafter. Mostly spirited talk by a man, occasionally a woman and sometimes brief Horn of Africa-type music. Not strong, but more than I would have expected and I am quite certain it was African. Beware ute voice signals in the background (Jerry Berg, visiting Kapalua, Maui, HI, NASWA Flashsheet Aug 8 via DXLD) ** SOMALIA. 6O0, (Good News/Bad News). Good News First! Sam, VK2BVS, [Voron] is currently active as 6O0A from Galkayo, Central Somalia, until September 30th. Reports indicate that he has established two club stations (the first at the Radio Galkayo ARC and the second at the Radio Daljir ARC) which are being used for amateur radio training courses. The "425 DX News" states, "Those stations are also available for the use of foreigners". Details on getting the Somalia Visitors ham radio license can be found at: http://www.radiogalkayo.com/banner/radio_school3.php It seems 6O0A likes working 15/17 meters SSB. Look for him on/or around 18155 and 21295 kHz between 0500-0600, 1100-1400 and 1800- 1900z. Now for the "BAD News"! Sam will not send out 6O0A QSLs. Sam is not interested in QSLing and states, "I am leaving the QSLing for the hams who may mount future DXpeditions or when the locals can do it." (OPDX Aug 9 via Dave Raycroft, ODXA via DXLD) ** SUDAN. ST --- Paul, ST2PN is now active in his limited his spare time from Khartoum, Sudan. Paul works for the UN World Food Programme and is often in Darfur, where radio operations are not allowed. QSL direct to PA7FM (bureau is not possible for the time being). Dennis, PA7FM http://www.pa7fm.nl also reports that the ST2DX cards have been printed; direct requests received so far will be processed in a few days' time (425 DX news Aug 7 via Dave Raycroft, ODXA via DXLD) ST2. QSL Manager Dennis, PA7FM, informs OPDX that Paul, ST2PN, is now active. Paul is also in Khartoum for his work for the "World Food Program" (WFP) of the UN and will be active now and then in his spare time. He will be out in the field, in Darfur (the problem area in Sudan), most of the time where radio operations are not allowed. ST2PN was heard this past week on 18122-18130 kHz between 1230-1500z. QSL direct to PA7FM (bureau not possible for now). For more information, please visit the Web page at: http://www.pa7fm.nl (OPDX Aug 9 via ibid.) But really putting Darfur on the map is Christiane Amanpour ** SWITZERLAND. Re DXLD #4-118: Did the 2 Bobs really *originate* the term "program content"? It seems such an obvious English usage that I find it hard to imagine that it wasn't around since the concept of "program" itself arose, maybe even pre-electronic media? (Such as referring to lectures or the like.) (Will Martin, MO, Aug 5, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TAIWAN. 9745, Voice of Han, 0955 Jul 21, ending talk and into classical violin interlude. At 1000 ID by woman and into what appeared to be news with various direct reports, then light Chinese pop music and talk. Very good signal. -- Also good with ID at 1019 Jul 24, light music from 1030, audio on some recorded voice segments a little low. Ended with the same "bye bye" as when I heard them at this hour at home [Lexington MA]. Music to big fanfare start of news at 1100. Chinese promo with ID at 1108. This one was heard often, sometimes with sidesplash QRM, not too bad around this hour, or at times with co-channel QRM that could be a problem, e.g. at 1400 with Voice of Russia co-channel (Jerry Berg, visiting Kapalua, Maui, HI, NASWA Flashsheet Aug 8 via DXLD) ** TAIWAN. GIO to curb illegal radio stations -- The Government Information Office said that, despite efforts to allow underground radio stations to become licensed, a crackdown on the stations will go on --- By Ko Shu-ling Thursday, Aug 05, 2004 Pledging to continue the crackdown on underground radio stations before legalizing them, the Government Information Office (GIO) is expected to unveil a concrete measure next week regarding the legalization of underground radio stations and complete the process by the end of next year. There are 93 underground radio stations. The GIO is accepting illegal radio stations' applications starting Oct. 1. "In addition to helping underground radio stations become legal, we won't hesitate to continue the crackdown on illegal radio stations," GIO Director-General Lin Chia-lung told reporters yesterday morning... http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2004/08/05/2003181771 (via Mike Terry, dxldyg via DXLD) Sorry but I actually fell off the chair laughing. It will be a wonder anybody will be able to hear them. What are they? Pirate ELF transmissions? ``Under the GIO's plan, two hertzes of the radio frequencies between 88hz to 108hz would be set aside for underground radio stations.`` (Robin L. Harwood, Norwood TAS 7250, ibid.) ** TANNU TUVA. RUSSIA. Radio Rossii and Tuvinskoye Radio are regularly (though not strong) heard here on 6100 kHz. Transmitter in Kyzyl, Tyva Republic. Tuvinskoye Radio noted daily at 0010-0100 and 1210-1300, but you must pay attention to the fact that announcement at 0010 sound like "Here is Kyzyl, local time is 0810, we are continuing our broadcast". This obviously means that local studios goes on the air at 2310-2400 as well (open_dx - Vladimir Kovalenko, Tomsk, Russia, via Signal Aug 8 via DXLD) ** THAILAND. I listened to Bangkok Meteorological Radio (utility station) in Thai and English on 6765 from 1312 to 1346 UT on July 31, 2004. USB mode. Mainly weather information? by a male announcer. Frequently ID in Thai and English. SINPO-22332 (Yasuhiro Shiozaki, JAPAN, Japan Premium Aug 6 via DXLD) 6765U & 8743U, Bangkok Meteorological Radio, ending EG weather at 1209 Jul 23, played music-box type IS, then weather in Thai at 1211+. 6765U was very good, 8743U QRMed but still fair. IS 1214+ again, Thai ID 1216, more weather, IS again 1219, English ID 1221: "This is Bangkok Meteorological Radio broadcasting . . . on the frequency of 6765.1 kHz and 8743.0 kHz from 0000 to 0200, 0300-0500, 0600-0800, 0900-1100, 1200-1400, 1500-1700, 1800-2000 and 2100-2300 hours GMT." More weather, ID again but without times, IS again. Didn't this one used to play actual musical selections rather than just an IS? (Jerry Berg, visiting Kapalua, Maui, HI, NASWA Flashsheet Aug 8 via DXLD) ** TIBET. 9490, "Holy Tibet" English program, armchair level at 1630 Jul 23, //7385, 6130, 6110 (QRMed), 5240, 4920 (QRMed) and 4905, all fair except 6130 (poor). Talk and mx, into presumed Tibetan at 1700. An extraordinary signal, with 9490 easily listenable in the 2010's "wide" position. To 1800*. Which of these frequencies are actually in Tibet? (Jerry Berg, visiting Kapalua, Maui, HI, NASWA Flashsheet Aug 8 via DXLD) Real schedule of Tibet PBS (4820 kHz) does not correspond with data of Nagoya DX Circle. Moreover, amounts of own broadcasts and CNR relays vary depending on day, without any reasonable pattern. For instance: 22 July, 2000-2030 Tibet PBS, 2030-2100 CNR1, // 4800 23 July, 2000-2100 Tibet PBS (open_dx - Alexander Mak, Lutsk, Ukraine via Signal Aug 8 via DXLD) ** U S S R. Radio Moscow interval signals: ``Moscow Nights`` was used on what was called ``Radio Moscow World Service``, i.e. the English service that was back then on the air 24/7. I think the French service used a special theme music, too. The other language services had what I would call *the* Radio Moscow interval signal, ten notes from a certain song. If I do not forget about it I will upload a recording of it when I have my PC running again (nasty harddisc failure; at least it seems that we could rescue all data, contrary to my experience from six years ago when the original 0.85 GB harddisc of the oldtimer I use as teletyper right now crashed). (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Aug 4, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. BBC WS STREAMING PLANS DURING SUMMER OLYMPICS I've exchanged correspondence with a senior World Service manager regarding World Service webcasting plans during the Olympics. Good news is that there will be no blanket embargo of webcasting during the Olympics, as was the case last time. Most programming will be available live and on-demand, as usual. However, the bad news is that the major news programs -- Newshour, The World Today, World Update, Europe Today -- will not be available via webcast, since it is possible these programs will incorporate live event commentary -- which is the hangup when it comes to rights issues -- during the broadcast. A special version of Sports Roundup will be webcast that will not include live event commentary, but will have results (Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA USA, Aug 4, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hi Rich, Thanks for finding this out. So they have no technological or human solution to this? They can't edit or block portions that cause problems? Perhaps I don't understand the difficulty involved but... I can appreciate it might be a bit of a hassle but surely they have or can easily obtain the tools to edit audio via the web? (Live feeds might be the most hassle but on-demand surely can't be that hard.) (Rob de Santos, swprograms via DXLD) I am seeking clarification to the on-demand matter. I agree -- shouldn't be that tough, but it likely requires manual intervention in what is probably an automated process of capturing audio and posting to the web. If you have listened on-demand to any CBC content lately, they now edit all music out of the webcast --- even the program themes! This, too, due to rights issues (Rich Cuff / Allentown, PA, ibid.) This is like beating a long ago expired horse, but there (again) goes the argument that the internet is a suitable replacement for radio. How many years will it take before these rights issues will be resolved once and for all -- either via contract, regulation or statute? It's not like this is a new or recently discovered problem -- and in some ways it seems to be getting worse. The CBC practice of stripping all music content from its downloadable archive starkly underlines the problem. The internet is a useful adjunct to radio--it was that way before, it's that way now and will be that more forevermore! :-) Ranting and raving from Halfmoon, NY – (John Figliozzi, ibid.) For me, this is getting to be how I react to technology more and more these days. I don't care how it works, I just want it to work. As the saying goes, "this is NOT rocket science".....MAKE IT WORK ALREADY AND SPARE ME THE DETAILS. Sorry, I'm out of rant mode now. |g| The whole thing ticks me off more and more everyday, though. The more advanced we get, the more technology we have access to and use, the less we seem to be able to benefit from it (Mike Wolfson, ibid.) John, I don't think we will see a resolve on the rights issues until the relevant parties wake up and see how much $$$ they are losing, OTOH, if that happens, here come the TV networks around the world that have paid a collective total of billions for coverage and want to protect their territory. It's a double-edge sword. There are enlightened people like Dick Pound who know there is a problem but are being thwarted at the upper echleons to effect change (Maryanne Kehoe, GA, ibid.) At least it's good to hear that BBC webcasts, like reruns of half century old Goons shows on BBC7 (which has no news) or the Proms on Radio 3 will not be cut off because of the Olympics. It still provides one of the arguments against the cutting off shortwave to technologically advanced regions because of the availability of internet streaming and local rebroadcasters. (Would local rebroadcasting be cut off? I guess I have to be listen 00-0600 local if I want to find out how Olympics affect local rebroadcasting of BBCWS.) (Joel Rubin, NY, ibid.) ** U S A. Al Hurra TV having a new stream to Iraq! While checking the Arab Satellite on 26 degrees east I noticed that Al Hurra TV is having a new stream called AlHurra Iraq! Even the logo of the station is (AlHurra Iraq). I checked the programs and compared it with the other frequency for the other stream (AlHurra) and it was a different program. So it reminds me of R. Sawa, different streams for different listeners/viewers. Check http://www.lyngsat.com/arab2d.html I checked the Hyper link for AlHurra Iraq but it was the same http://www.alhrra.com [sic] not another special link. All the best (Tarek Zeidan, Cairo, Egypt, Aug 7, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WJIE shortwave partners with http://www.thestreamtv.com and Rod Hembree. Together, Rod and Morgan Freeman are attempting to reach Canada with 13595. Our object is to be like any large Christian radio station in America. We are airing Charles Stanley, Dave Ramsey, Chuck Swindol and Focus on the Family. The sort of traditional Christian radio that one might hear in any city in America but that is not available in Canada. We are doing heavy TV advertising on Cornerstone Television and on radio and in newspapers throughout Canada (Morgan Freeman, WJIE, Aug 6, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Glenn, this is Morgan Freeman. I have turned the antenna for 13595 so now it is pointed northwest rather than southeast. I am trying to reach Canada and I need some air check. Can you hear it? Reciprocal of 155 degrees. Also 7490 is still running strong on 55 degrees. Your program airs on Sunday on 7490 and now that 13595 is up you will be airing there as well. Dave Ramsey, the financial guru has agreed to come on 13595 and I am his shortwave broadcaster. It will probably be next week or two when he starts airing. Keep up the good work (Morgan Freeman, WJIE, Aug 6, via DX LISTENING DIGEST) So 13595 would now be 335 degrees; but how can you `turn` a rhombic? Aug 7 at 2100 UT in Albuquerque, 13595 did have a pretty good signal, but inaudible in OK on Aug 10 recheck altho 7490 was audible. What time on Sundays is WOR supposedly scheduled? It`s not on your website schedule, just M-F at 2100 when I have NEVER been able to hear it. Checked 7490 again Aug 10 at 2100 and something else was on, Apocalypse Chronicles (Glenn partially to Morgan, via DXLD) My website is out of date and not been touched for a long time. We have a new site coming up; we are just waiting to change providers. I think it`s Sunday at noon [1600 UT] but I will get Gary to verify (Morgan Freeman, WJIE, ibid.) ** U S A. Annotated WBCQ Program Guide Anomalies and Recent Observations - Saturday, August 7, 2004 --- Michael Ketter hosted Allan's show on August 6, and gave some details about scheduling changes for the "Area 51" block of programming that formerly ran on Sunday evenings on 5105. The revised Area 51 schedule is now: Fr 5105 8 PM ET 0000 UT Sa Allan Weiner Worldwide (//7415) Fr 5105 9 PM ET 0100 UT Sa Tasha Takes Control (//7415) Fr 5105 10 PM ET 0200 UT Sa The Lost Discs Radio Show (//7415) Fr 5105 11 PM ET 0300 UT Sa Squad 51 Sa 5105 12 MN ET 0400 UT Sa The RMF Show Sa 5105 8 PM ET 0000 UT Su The Jean Shepherd Show Sa 5105 9 PM ET 0100 UT Su The Firesign Theater Hour Sa 5105 10 PM ET 0200 UT Su Tesla's Ear Sa 5105 11 PM ET 0300 UT Su The Pirate's Cove Note: The RMF Show was running Saturdays at 0330 on 9330. I'm not sure if this will continue here. Old Time Radio Theater now replaces the "best of" programming that was running weekdays at 2 PM ET [1800 UT] on 7415. OTR will run from 2 to 2:45 PM ET and Planet World News will follow from 2:45 to 3 PM ET [1845 UT, an hour earlier than before] (// 7415 and 9330). Radio Timtron Worldwide will replace Pan Global Wireless when that show goes on hiatus after August 14. Sunday, August 1, 2004 --- Paul announced last night that Pan Global Wireless will be leaving the airwaves with a final broadcast on August 14 (via Larry Will, Aug 7, dxldyg and the WBCQ Program Guide, via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 7385 WRMI, 0258-0329 Aug 2, special 500th edition of Wavescan program from Adventist World Radio with interview with Adrian Peterson, Japan Shortwave Club report and re-broadcast of Marconi/Signal Hill program from 2001 and information about special endorsement QSL card for program. Poor reception with utility station on top of channel but listenable in LSB and narrow filter (Rich D`Angelo, PA, NASWA Flashsheet Aug 8 via DXLD) That reminds me: have been intending to mention that I have found WRMI slightly more intelligible on the USB! Presumably because the ute is putting out a bit more on its LSB than USB, assuming WRMI signal itself be symmetrical. Change to 6870 still not made on UT Aug 11 check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Dear WRMI Clients and other interested parties: Kiko Espinosa, our chief engineer, has just informed me that the company that is making the crystal for our new frequency of 6870 kHz will not be able to get the crystal to us until next Monday, August 9th, or Tuesday the 10th at latest. So we will unfortunately have to remain on 7385 kHz until then. We will be constantly announcing the new frequency between now and then, so that we hopefully won't lose too many people with the frequency change. Our schedules on 15725 and 9955 kHz will not be affected. Thanks for your patience and understanding (Jeff White, WRMI, Aug 5, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. BROADCASTING --- PIRATE RADIO IN PERILOUS WATERS Pirate radio stations have defied the law to the delight of some listeners, but a new state law may usher in the day the music died for these unlicensed South Florida broadcasters. BY JONATHAN ABEL Posted on Mon, Aug. 09, 2004 For radio pirates like DJ Calculator, the trick is to be heard but not seen. Tucked away in a Carol City apartment building, 97.7 FM is one of at least four South Florida hip-hop stations that broadcast without a license. . . http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/news/local/states/florida/counties/broward_county/9353214.htm Antenna photos: http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/news/local/states/florida/counties/broward_county/9353212.htm?1c (Miami Herald, registration required, via Artie Bigley, DXLD) Sidebar: UNLICENSED STATIONS These South Florida stations don't appear in the FCC's official database of licensed radio stations. You won't find them if you hit scan on your car radio. But if do a little manual tuning, you can find these stations and more for the sound of the underground. • 89.1 FM: DJs Haitian Boy and 1st Defense are particularly edgy, even for pirates. • 90.9 FM: At night, the station lets lonely listeners give out their phone numbers for late-night calls. • 97.7 FM: Its Drop a Dime show allows callers to denounce their enemies over the air. • 98.1 FM: This French-language station features a weekend trivia quiz and takes lots of calls. • 101.9 FM: Caribbean music in English-format, Vibez FM operates professionally and openly, but without a license. • 104.7 FM: Israeli music and news (sidebar to Miami Herald story on Vibez et al., as above via Artie Bigley, DXLD) Vote on pirates http://forums.prospero.com/n/mb/message.asp?webtag=kr-miamiwebvote&msg=310.1 (via Artie Bigley, DXLD) ** U S A. KRFP, a new low-power FM in Moscow, Idaho will be making its debut on the airwaves in a few weeks. KRFP on 97.5, is interested in carrying WORLD OF RADIO. More at http://www.radiofreemoscow.com/ (via Leigh Robartes, Radio Free Moscow, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. KCSC/KBCW Programming Notes August 2004 http://www.kcscfm.com/news/news_main.asp There will be many orchestral series available to us in the fall quarter. The most exciting news is that the NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC, for the first time in many years, will be offering a weekly series of 39 concerts, instead of just the monthly program. The Seattle Symphony Orchestra is also offering a series for the first time, along with repeat entries such as the Detroit and Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestras. The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra of Amsterdam will once again be available, as will limited series from Rotterdam, Jerusalem, and Berlin. There are not enough time slots on KCSC`s schedule for all these programs, so I'm interested in knowing which ones might generate the most interest. Please e-mail me at kanderson@kcscfm.com with your choices for what orchestras you`d like to hear beginning in October. Kent Anderson, Program Director (via John Norfolk, dxldyg via DXLD) ** U S A. FCC DISMISSES FOUR MORE LPFM APPLICATIONS FOR FAILURE TO RESPOND TO COMMISSION REQUESTS Washington, Aug 4 (CRU) --- The FCC dismissed four more Catholic LPFM applications today for failure to respond to the Commission’s request for additional information. All are in New Mexico. These were Ranchos de Taos 102.7 FM, filed by the St Francisco de Asis Educational Association; Mora 105.5 FM, filed by the St Gertrude the Great Educational Association; Springer 99.5 FM, filed by the St Joseph`s Educational Association; and Tucumcari 100.1 FM, filed by the St Anne Educational Association. The dismissals were made by letter dated July 30th and were announced today. According to the FCC Public Notice today, the Ranchos de Taos applicant failed to respond to the Commission’s request for the date and letter of incorporation of the association. The Mora, Springer, and Tucumcari applicants, said the FCC, failed ``to provide a street address for its principal . . . and date of place of incorporation within 30 days. The application is dismissed under Section 75.3568 for failure to respond to Commission inquiry.`` These latest dismissals by the FCC reduce the number of pending applications for Catholic LPFM stations in New Mexico to three: El Rito, Santa Cruz, and Santa Rosa. These three have also been informally challenged at the FCC by outside parties. Originally, 27 applications were filed in New Mexico and two have been granted, in Carlsbad and Las Vegas. The Carlsbad permit expired at the end of June. The Las Vegas permit was issued last September 30th (Mike Dorner, Catholic Radio Update August 9 via DXLD) ** U S A. New Philly station --- Hi Glenn, About two weeks ago a new news and talk station appeared on the Philadelphia airwaves, as WZZD 990 mediumwave (Christian format) has become WNTP. Michael Savage, Michael Medved and others now provide a welcome change, with coverage of the DNC their first week. I can't wait to see what will be discussed regarding the RNC. The station is only a few miles from my home and work. Thanks and have a great weekend (Jim DeMaio, Jr., Conshohocken, PA USA, Aug 6, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Any ``liberals`` on it? (gh, DXLD) ** U S A. KZMP-1540 [somewhere in The Metroplex] has definitely changed formats. Monitored this morning, with Spanish Religion, identifying as "Radio Ayo, La Voz de Verdad." Radio Ayo had been on 1600 [sic], then more recently on 950, and now on 1540. I've got 950 in the background now, and in the 10 minutes or so I've had it on, it's reverted to oriental programming, lady announcer bilingual, English and, it appears, an Indian language. Re 1540, the call letters were, if given, buried at the TOH 9 a.m. CST, so I'm not sure if they're still KZMP (John Callarman, KA9SPA, Family Genealogist, Krum TX, Aug 6, NRC-AM via DXLD) ** VIETNAM [non]. 9930, HAWAII. R. Free Vietnam (via KWHR), the "California" RFV, too late to be heard on ECNA. At 1600 Jul 22 (Thursday), very good signal from the Big Island, hi. However, this frequency is a mess before 1600, with the firedragon at least equal to KWHR. Firedragon ends at 1600, English KWHR ID, RFV starts with national music and then mostly talk, a little music (Jerry Berg, visiting Kapalua, Maui, HI, NASWA Flashsheet Aug 8 via DXLD) ** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. Cland 7460 RASD 0702 OM with empathic talks in Arabic " idaatu ... saharawi' calling Carlos Fernando Ayad for a talk from TVE. There is a speech in Spanish and possible translation in Arabic. Signal was 4 at 0703 but gradually lowering to S0 on 0723 Aug 3rd (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 11775, what is the Spanish-speaking station at 2000-2200 interfering with Anguilla? A recent mid-season change. Perhaps someone can recognize the interval signal (George McClintock, Aug 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This was discussed a few months ago. Reminder that R. Korea International is scheduled via Sackville at 2000-2100 in Spanish; see http://rki.kbs.co.kr/SPANISH/aboutrki/time.asp but don`t know about the 2100-2200 hour. EiBi A-04 also shows Vietnam to North Africa at 2030-2300 on 11775. I checked Aug 10 at 2000, and could not detect any audio under DGS, but a subaudible heterodyne started --- slow deep fades. I think the relay is aimed at Europe (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RADIO STAMPS ++++++++++++ FOREIGN POSTAL RATES The new address for Foreign Postage Rates, a tool to help DXers determine how much postage is needed for returns QSLs, is http://www.k4hb.com/postage.html [TNX K4HB] (425 DX News Aug 7 via Dave Raycroft, ODXA via DXLD) RADIO EQUIPMENT FORUM +++++++++++++++++++++ FUNDAMENTALS ON LIGHTNING PROTECTION GROUNDING AND SURGE SUPPRESSION Here is a link to an interesting article on lightning protection at a commercial radio station. http://members.cox.net/pc-usa/station/grounding (via WUN via ODXA via DXLD) AVOIDING THE AM IBOC TRAIN WRECK AHEAD A fascinating Radio World article has already been posted to the list. It's a nice summation of the issues surrounding night AM IBOC operation and their possible ramifications: http://www.rwonline.com/reference-room/guywire/gw-08-04-04.shtml I am still amazed that so many AM IBOC advocates still see AM's problems as being completely technical in nature and remediable by a strictly technical solution. The issue of AM's content vis-à-vis FM's content, satellite content, etc., and its role in AM listenership (or lack of same) is simply not acknowledged in the article above. (Harry Helms, W7HLH/5, Wimberley, TX EL09, Aug 9, NRC-AM via DXLD) PROPAGATION +++++++++++ We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. Perseid Meteor Shower Date: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 Time: 10:00 PM - 4:00 AM PDT (GMT -07:00) The Perseid Meteor Shower will peak between August 11 at 10 PM local and August 12 at 4 AM local. Lay back on the ground or a chaize lounge [sic], with binoculars, and an FM radio to view the show and hear far off FM stations reflecting off the meteors (source? ODXA Aug 5 via DXLD) PERSEIDS SET FOR SKY SHOW Skywatchers are preparing for the annual Perseid meteor shower, which should peak in the early hours (0200 BST, 0100 GMT) of Wednesday 13 August. This year, Perseid observers are in for an added treat because a very bright planet, Mars, is also in sight. "In a good, dark sky, you can expect to see up to 80 meteors per hour," said Robin Scagell, of the UK's Society for Popular Astronomy, "but this includes fainter ones." He cautioned, however, that "because the Moon will be close to full, you'll not see as many meteors this year." More at http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3136497.stm (Should be some interesting propagation effects) (via Mike Terry, Aug 5, dxldyg via DXLD) Please note, however, that 13 August is a *Friday*. Error is on website (Saul Broudy, Philadelphia, PA USA, ibid.) Actually, the article dates from last year! The web site clearly states: ``Last Updated: Monday, 11 August, 2003, 15:45 GMT 16:45 UK`` (John Norfolk, ibid.) The Perseid meteor shower should peak late on the night of Wednesday, August 11th. For details, see This Week's Sky at a Glance and Planet Roundup: http://SkyandTelescope.com/observing/ataglance/ (K7NOO, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Space Weather News for August 10, 2004 http://spaceweather.com PERSEID METEORS: The Perseid meteor shower peaks this week. Look for rare but lovely Perseid Earthgrazers when the sun goes down on Wednesday, August 11th. Then, before dawn on Thursday, August 12th, go outside for the main event: as many as 60 meteors per hour. Getting away from city lights is a good idea: dark skies reveal more meteors. BIG SUNSPOT: Sunspot 649, which unleashed several powerful solar flares in July, is back and it's growing again. The large spot has a complex magnetic field that harbors energy for X-class solar flares. It's easy to see, but never look directly at the blinding sun. Check SpaceWeather.com for safe solar observing tips (via Dave Raycroft, ODXA via DXLD) The geomagnetic field ranged from quiet to minor storm levels. The period began with activity at quiet to unsettled levels. The field remained quiescent through 07/0900 UTC after which levels rose to active to minor storm levels as a recurrent coronal hole high speed stream began to influence the geomagnetic field. Active conditions persisted through 07/1800 UTC. Thereafter, the activity declined to quiet to unsettled conditions, and remained so through the end of the summary period. FORECAST OF SOLAR AND GEOMAGNETIC ACTIVITY 11 AUGUST - 06 SEPTEMBER Solar activity is expected to range from very low to low. Activity levels are expected to increase to low to moderate after 12 August when old Region 652 (L=348) is due to return. A greater than 10 MeV proton event is possible after the return of old Region 652. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to remain below event threshold for the forecast period. The geomagnetic field is expected to range from quiet to unsettled levels for most of the forecast period. Late in the period, levels are expected to increase to unsettled to active due to a weak, recurrent coronal hole stream that is expected to be in a geoeffective position. :Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt :Issued: 2004 Aug 10 2211 UTC # Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Environment Center # Product description and SEC contact on the Web # http://www.sec.noaa.gov/wwire.html # # 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table # Issued 2004 Aug 10 # # UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest # Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index 2004 Aug 11 120 12 3 2004 Aug 12 125 10 3 2004 Aug 13 130 10 3 2004 Aug 14 130 8 3 2004 Aug 15 130 8 3 2004 Aug 16 130 8 3 2004 Aug 17 130 8 3 2004 Aug 18 125 10 3 2004 Aug 19 125 10 3 2004 Aug 20 120 12 3 2004 Aug 21 115 12 3 2004 Aug 22 110 10 3 2004 Aug 23 105 10 3 2004 Aug 24 105 10 3 2004 Aug 25 110 10 3 2004 Aug 26 100 8 3 2004 Aug 27 95 10 3 2004 Aug 28 90 8 3 2004 Aug 29 90 8 3 2004 Aug 30 90 5 2 2004 Aug 31 90 5 2 2004 Sep 01 95 5 2 2004 Sep 02 95 8 3 2004 Sep 03 95 8 3 2004 Sep 04 95 8 3 2004 Sep 05 95 12 3 2004 Sep 06 95 10 3 (from http://www.sec.noaa.gov/radio via WORLD OF RADIO 1241, DXLD) ###